Django unchained (2012) movie review.

in BDCommunity4 years ago

Hello everyone hope you all are doing well. Today i'm here to review a movie.
Hope you all will enjoy reading this blog.And one more thing, We all are passing through a tough time right now during this corona virus pandemic. The second wave of corona viruses is spreading rapidly so please stay home and stay safe. Wear a mask if you go out at any necessary cause.

Movie name:Django unchained.
Director: Quentin Tarantino
Release date:2012

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I've always been a big fan of Tarantino. Some say pulp fiction is his best movie or some people says reservoir dogs, inglorious bastards but in my opinion his best movie
is django unchained.

Spoiler Alert

Django Unchained is basically a slavery-centric movie.At the beginning of the movie, django is seen as a slave. He is being taken away by two merchants bound in iron chains. Then a man named dr.king schultz came to django and took him away. schultz is basically a government official who kills bad people and in return he gets a hefty sum of money. And in return, Django assists him in demanding the release of his wife, Broomhilda. broomhilda is a slave who is now in the care of calvin candie. And to free him, Django and Schultz both go to Candie. And that's what happens in this movie.

Almost everything in this movie was so perfect. Especially camera work, The cinematography and color grading were pretty good. There was the vibe of the whole eighteenth century. And the set of this movie was very good, every frame was very colorful and gave a vibe of 18th century. The screenplay was great. There was nothing unnecessary.

Now let' talk about the performances. I like christoph waltz who played the role of dr.king schultz in acting. His acting was quite smooth. And Leonardo Dicaprio, who played Candie, no needs to say more about him. You all know what kind of actor he is. Here too he gave his best performance. De Caprio is always the best in loud acting. And jamie foxx who played the role of django has performed well.

And the lifeblood of this movie is the direction of this movie. You all know how good a director Tarantino is. In addition to directing, he had an important role here in which he has done well.

Personal rating:9.5/10

Highly recommended.

Here is some screenshots of this movie.

So that's all for today. See you all in my next blog. Wish everyone's good health untill then.

And one more thing, Such a form of healthy world is really very captivating. Inshallah, the plague called Corona will be eradicated from the world I waited for that good day.

Thanks for reading.