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RE: The Weekly Turni-Issue 53

in BDCommunity4 years ago

Have you ever thought about what would happen if everything was free?

Honestly, something like that was never thought of. Where money is playing around, how can I think of getting free? When we buy something and get something for free, there is joy in our minds. Because such incidents are not common. if everything was free all the time. Then maybe we could not enjoy the joy of buying something.

It's not our fault; it's called human behavior.

The word "expectation" comes unexpectedly. As you say "it's called human behavior". I think expecting too much may not meet it. Which is why dreams, hopes, or expectations about something should all be kept according to one's own needs. A lot of the time is to get into trouble in anticipation. if we lower expectations, we suddenly get more, there is nothing happier than that.

All our lives, we follow this certain rule
Take the right bus, choose the familiar route
Reach the set out destination.

We always want to be on the right track in our life. Because we may know that if the destination is not fixed, it cannot be reached. There are some very lucky person whose lives are unexpectedly good. But not in all cases, which is why we like to go the way we expect.

আইজ গল্প শুরু হইব শোলক দিয়া। বুজলি।
শোলক হইল সোজা কতায় ধাঁধাঁ; কতার মইদ্দিই লুকাই থাকে কতা?

ছোড বেলার কতা মনে করাই দিলেন। নানি বাড়িতে গেলেই এমন গল্পের আসর জমতো। গেরামের বইন গুলা ধাঁধায় ছিল খুব পাকা।


exactly... it's not just that we pay with money... think about it, you're travelling from home to your college, you're paying rickshawala with money but the rickshawala is paying you with service... it's always two way... hence the world of give and take

 4 years ago  

We mostly want stability in life, that's why we follow those set out paths, that assure us a more secure destination. :')