Anabas testudineus fish is always delicious food . It is very tasty and delicious recipe . Really It is very easy and homemade recipe . Most of people like this fish .
People cultivates this kai fish commercially. It is not commercially fish . It is absolutely native fish
Rural fisherman had caught this kai fish from rural canal. Now I am going to share kai fish with potato recipe with copi vegetable .
First of all , We will cut this fish . After that We will mix on kai fish tumeric and salt . Then We will fry this fish by hot mustard oil. After frying , we will start this recipe fulfil . Now We will fry potato's and copi vegetable .. When we will make this recipe , we need this elements .
Kai fish 300 grams
Potato's : four pieces
Copi vegetable 2 pieces
Green chilli 6 pieces
Tumeric (needed )
Chew chilli
Cumin 2 grams
Onion one piece
Ginger 2 pieces
Garlic two pieces
Red chilli slidely
Garam masala
Mustrad oil
Cloves 2 pieces
Black cumin 2 grams
Last of all when will fry potatoes fulfil. We will mix water with fry copi veg like needed .After that We will cook sometimes . After boiling , we provide that fishes among curry . We will take this curry come down . After that we will fry onion with mustrad oil. We will mix total masala in curry . After that we will push this curry with fry onion . Again we will boil this curry like needed last moment . Finally We will fill up our recipe . Actually It is very easy and tasty recipe .
Really we eat different types of fishes regularly . I thought that I will share different types of recipes with photography . But I have no much time . Infact I write content about sports regularly . We do not get more times for this recipe . For this reason we will try this recipe with photography sometimes . I hope you like my recipes post .
Regards @simaroy
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What is copi vegetable ???
Very bad English
From now I do not upvote any post until you develop your English
Ok. From next time ,I will try.