For the Greater Good

in BDCommunity4 years ago

Sakib had given me a few images a couple of months back and asked me to use them in my posts whenever I feel like writing some philosophical shit. Today I feel like writing some philosophical shit.


Image credit @zayedsakib

The last couple of months have been eventful to say the least. On the blockchain. Things kicked off with the launch of CUBFinance followed by a massive rally in the price of HIVE. There was hardly time for me to write anything except these topics besides trying to fit in the constant checking of my CUB harvests between my study schedule.

Admit it, we've all been there! Done it!

And then there was the launch of CineTV and I was convinced by the criminal criminologist to get my typing fingers in there too (pun intended).

I started off with one of my favorite shows, Supernatural. I just watched the final episode of the series just a month or two ago. So, there was no nostalgia or was just a post. It's my second post on CineTV that started causing me all sorts of trouble.

You see, the last time I ever watched any episode of pokemon was at least 5 years ago, back in my 3rd year. And writing that post stirred up a ton of memories. I started feeling like a kid again. Dada says it's no fun being a kid. At least the Pokemon Master inside me disagrees.

So I started searching up on youtube to watch full episodes. But turns out the full episodes are no longer available on youtube. Bummer!

Then I big deal! Let's watch some of the legendary battles. Apparently there is this new thing called AMV - Anime Music Video. Every battle is literally turned into a music video. The song choices were cool, but seriously what the fuck!

And then I did what every desperate fan does...I dived into the darkness and typed "How to watch Pokemon Full Episodes" LMAO! And behold! It actually worked! I found this site called "" which has every episode, movie...everything pokemon!

Now it was just about choosing which season I wanna watch. Sure as hell I couldn't get started from season 1....there are 22 seasons Jeez! (or is it 23 now?)

The kalos region saw some of Ash's strongest pokemons. The XYZ series also introduced it wasn't hard to decide watching from there on!

The point of all these rambling is, I just finished watching Ash's Gym battle at the Grass type gym and something the Gym leader said stuck in my head.

The old man said in a very shaky voice,

"If you get all caught up in the things that are right infront of you, you will lose sight of what's important."

And I almost did.

I just found out about something called the SEObot today. The bot analyzes your post and gives you a report of the seo friendliness of your post. The bot will tell me that this post has no relevance to the title.

But what does the bot know?

If you know, you know!

End of Post Signature.png


Doc, that's a good tag


I should add to the tag if I get a chance. Been quite tied up myself this week. I am glad you are not "sitting on the floor eating rice" and rather using your dining table! :)

If I try and translate idioms in English, I will be.....

tail in cow dung



Oh nice spot dada! Let's get #philosophicalshit trending hehe!

@zayedsakib @notacinephile What do you guys say ;)

I am glad you are not "sitting on the floor eating rice

It's been windy, the floor is floating in sand xD

Could be fun! ;)

Philosophicalbullshit. In short PBS sounds better😂😂

I used to watch that anime WAY back in the day, back when I used to play pokemon red on a game boy in the back of my parents car. Good times!

IDK about pokemon but I do know that Amazon Prime has the original Dragon Ball anime. If I ever feel like I need a day off, I might just put that on and eat snacks. Those old animes are like relics from a different time with how much the world has changed, but then there's something timeless about them too.

Oh yes, I had that whole pokemon red/blue/green gameboy games memorized by heart LOL!

Those old animes are like relics from a different time with how much the world has changed, but then there's something timeless about them too.

You absolutely hit the spot there mate! I keep telling the kids these days what they are missing...I don't even understand why they watch the stuff they do these days! :D

I'm not sure if amazon prime has pokemon on, but I think netflix might have the latest gen episodes.

i remember getting engrossed in dragon balls z last year. ending up going to search for more episodes online only to discover that there were a lot of seasons. i gave up. i don't have the luxury of time as an old adult. lol

never got into pokemon. only knew about it through the fancy schoolbags my friends used to carry in primary school and I used to draw those cool cartoon characters

Yeah they do have a ton of episodes don't they! Must be thousands, virtually impossible for us to watch/re-watch all of them given our time constraints.

I tried drawing pokemon characters too, needless to say they were horrible LOL xD

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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Ah man, im a great photographer! Nijer pith nijer e chapraite mone chacche:vv

Nijer pith nijer e chapraite mone chacche

You definitely should!

Do go to the gym and lift some weight before you that though xD

well, i can practice on yours in the meantime😆


For the greater gooduntitled.gif