Give Thanks

in BDCommunity5 years ago

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As human beings, we know we have no power over what our fate holds. We also believe that destiny cannot be changed but can be delayed.

The idea that destiny can't be changed has been refuted in scriptures with references to those whose destinies were changed by God from bad to good due to faith.

We also know that we all pray against death, road accidents, sickness, poverty and many more but they happen anyway.

This sometimes make some feel their prayers were not answered by God or God doesn't not like them or anything.

While it is true that God knows His people and His people know Him, we cannot say He turns deaf ears against us or to our prayers.

We cannot also deny the fact that He answers prayers according to how He judged them or deem it fit to answer such prayers.

We've been made to know that God hears all prayers but answers some. This is due to the power of God which makes Him God and what He sees or thinks answering such prayer might or may not do.

These things happen for a reason. The reason though, no matter how we rationalise it, cannot conform to human understanding.

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So it is normal for us to feel sad and feel rejected by the Supreme Being. This feeling is human and understandable.

We need to think beyond these circumstances. These things are not done based on who is more righteous and who is not.

That you are alive, not sick, not involved in road accidents or poor does not mean you are righteous.

Those who were involved in these things were not unrighteous. God in His infinite mercy just decide to favour you and your family.

While you are alive, it means you still have hope and hope means future and better tomorrow.

In all situations you find yourself, just give thanks. The simple reason that you are not better than those who are no more is enough for you to worship and praise God.

Do note that you can never question God. He has reason for things He does and this should tell you to just adore Him and honour Him.

If you look around you, you will see people you are definitely better than and this alone should make you appreciate Him.

Everyday of your life, just worship Him and give Him thanks. He is who He is, the God almighty.

Thanks for your time.