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RE: Corruption in Bangladesh

in BDCommunity5 years ago

This is exactly why we use blockchain technology, right? So that we can see an open ledger of everything that takes place, every transaction, everything that happens here is recorded forever. This does not mean there is never any corruption, but it does mean that we can see it real time as it happens.

When it comes to money, power and insider deals and secret handshakes between the old boys network, the wealthy oligarchs and the banksters and cartels, there will always be corruption. Some humans have an insatiable need to control the lions share.

What can we do?

We can make damn sure that we set a far better example of authenticity and integrity in the way we act every single day and with every single interaction we partake in. We can choose to support those companies, politician and agencies that have been proven to speak up for and represent the issues of the average person in society and we can discuss corruption with our friends and make sure a light is shone on dirty deeds wherever and whenever they take place.

Choosing to place our vote, loyalty and spend our money in the places and with the people whom we believe in will cause those who are bad actors to think twice, but even if they do not care, at-least we have exercised our freedom in the way that we know is right!

Take care and have a great new week my friend :D


Thank you. Have a great new week 🙂