Hey and thanks @tomiwah If we may about: It is an adaptive response that helps us avoid danger and protect ourselves from harm. it seems it would be a fight or flee response that helps us in situations of danger to protect our survival.
sources of fear: they can also be criminal endangering, fear-induced to terror to stop people to fight against instituted mafias, corruptions both corrupted and corruptors, mafia acts within families since babies nurseries and follow through school university and else, more in drugs prostitution and pimps countries exported with their drugs babies for paedophile feeding networks originating from the same drugs producing countries and oligarchs or cartels. the establishment is so that alcohol drugs and other mediums can support the alleged pseudo alt fear as alleged phobia and help pretend all is ok mafia rules even if children and mothers and parents are abused harassed stolen raped by sadistic criminals climaxing on victims' fears. There are mafias that trade uteruses and babies in Thailand and Myanmar feeding oligarchs that pump liquids from babies pushed to extreme fears to harness juvenile powers and sit their powers and wealth on the people. With such people able of such inhuman treatment the important in crimes deals trades murders and assassinations the important is what it will bring them or to them. they don't care for their own kid's parents' family uncles or aunts their deaths and emprisonments as long as it feeds their greed for wealth and power. which they have with technologies, meta, biotech ai and so on, and black magics that surpass peoples' comprehension. they are bloodsuckers and breed these, insects animals and humans they break the bones of three years old kids, they torture and they master the how-tos and they feel invincible and invulnerable owning the people by intertwinings bribes threats and murders. they can soft-power to show and stab you from the front to the back telling you they are your friend or family and that they love you. the blade you feel when too late and these people's rather in the back in groups in overpowered with excuses of drugs or alcohol by their vassals' humans they use like toilet paper. Best
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