I have deadlines
I have “alive”lines
I have un-deadlines
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I haven’t figured out what any of the others are as of yet but I know I got them. The list of things to-do keeps piling up, I’m paranoid and playing or chatting; this is how it usually happens. I felt like writing something fictional but then I’m not in the mood and so ideas are obsolete. I usually can come up with a few ideas when I’m busy doing something else and this bloody nutty head goes blank the moment I need those ideas. I’m a procrastinator and I’m very good at it.
It was 12:38 AM when I started writing this, procrastination at it’s peak. It’s like I can’t really work if there isn’t an invisible guillotine hanging over my bent neck. Even now the lazy side of me is so heightened that I’m typing with one hand only. See, I’m such a peach. If you’re wondering what I’m doing other than the things I should obviously do, the answer is simple. Checking Binance, looking at memes, listening to songs and browsing movies to download and all of these are a priority. I can tell you I haven’t watched a movie in the past 2 or 3 days and I have no clue of how I managed to simply waste way all that time just doing nothing. Okay I’ll watch a movie after I finish writing with my one hand as fast as possible.
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I do get a few pangs of guilt over wasting my time away like this, but then the very next moment my inner lazy douche calls out “I Regret NOTHING” and I won’t. I know I’ll be done with that relatively enormous pile in a day or two, and then the procrastination cycle is on the go again. I can say this much, after wasting my time away, even if I don’t feel remorse, I rather feel horrible in some other way of thinking “what a waste of a day!” I know I’m not the only one on this boat and there are others away from the boat giving us a rather annoyed look. And now I’m thinking, “what’s next?” Even now I’m stalling and multi tasking; I’m writing with my one hand and figuring some transfer functions in my “whatever” wallet while I eat my friend’s head. See I’m not dilly dallying at all; I’m busy doing some very very unimportant stuff (other than bugging my friend, that is very important). We don’t get to hibernate or migrate at any particular season; so think of it as if you were an animal you’d get to spend your winter either in long hibernation or visiting some rather warm country without a passport (if you’re a bird) but you get to hibernate through taking long or short breaks at a time every now and then. I’m just trying to make you feel less guilty about it.
Should I start talking about “how procrastination is going to be more costly than it initially appears” or “some in general facts about how time is important and wasting it is a sin” or “how everyone is guilty of wasting time”? No, I’ll skip it; you can find all this information by googling it and there is no shortage of Procrastination essays and term papers as well. The point is, I’m not using any of the information that I can easily find while Googling; and the way I’m going with this seems I’m having a conversation which appears like a far better version than stats and rather informative boring details. “Experts” say that you stall or deter your way in the middle because the work seems to be tedious, or maybe that pile of work is scary, or maybe you don’t have it in your heart to do it; all that can be true, and there could be other contributing factors as well. The one thing that matters the most is that you do what you gotta do before it is too late and not beat yourself down over a giving yourself a time out; you deserve a time out.
Taking a breather is indeed very important. Also struggle with procrastination, but what I've also learned is that we indeed shouldn't beat ourselves up, because life's too short to be dwelling and regretting.
hey good to see you :)
you're right we should take a breather now and then... we don't realize that we tire our mind and soul more than our body
That is so true. Sometimes playing so many scenarios in our heads, which mostly won't happen. When we catch ourselves doing it, we need to firmly tell ourselves to stop.
Take care! 😊