Controversies to thakbei, nahole ki jombe? Ekhon bhabchi, controversies niye kichu likhajeto. Bhasho to nijeder, tahole morjadataw rokkha kora nijeder dayitto?
English bhasha to ekta bhashai, kintu eta shotto je ta amader nijeshshona. Hold, ta amader onekeri nijoshshona kintu koikjoner nijeshshoi. Eita bujhar khomota ar common sense amader ache ami bishashi. Amader shobar e nijer nijer bashar proti raag, nijer desher bebostha, shikha, aro onk kichur proti raag, bitishna kaj kore. Egulo shob e shotto. Ei shobkichur majhe eitaw shotti j amrai dhore rakhteparbo, amrai gorte parbo ebong amrai bhangteparbo!
Ekhon shiddhanto amader e. Onkei Bangla bhalo likhteparena, bolteparena, oder nijeshsho karon thakte pare. Kintu, kew ki kokhono uddeg niyechen j asho ami shikhay tmi ki shikhba? Ei uddeg dekhi amra onekei onno bhashar shomoy buk khule shiddhanto nei shikhanor, kintu nijeshsho bhashar proti ei inclination karo temon gore uthena. Onekeri uthe, onekeri uthena. An arguable point.
Our native tongue is only yours and your community, language, on the other hand, is for a large group and international language has a much larger reach. We can't confuse them all. What we can do, is reflect upon our own actions towards our own language.
We all are much smarter ;) Let us together take a leap in growing our grasp in our mother tongue.