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RE: Let It Be Seen In You.

in BDCommunity6 months ago

Love is actually a lifestyle that I actually believe our society should Cultivate the habit of living in irrespective of whatever it is actually. We should always try to spread love around in our families and even in our society as that is what is actually required actually


It's a lifestyle we have to should come to us naturally without having to fake it. It should be genuine and engraved into our core as humans.

You are right. It must not be fake. It should come naturally and we should express it all around the world. A lot of people need to be shown love and we must show it to them genuinely without not faking it

To whom much is given much is expected. Most people want to be loved yet they don't know they are also suppose to show love as they have received too or at least, to attract the love they desire.

You are right. They have actually forgotten that it is two way things. You love people and then you get love in return. Simple as ABC. A lot of people just as you said want to be loved but did not actually want to show love to people. It does not actually work like that