in BDCommunity5 years ago

The pandemic has really made alot of people to add so much weight even those that ordinarily wouldn't have thought that any fat could come out of their bodies.

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But then it's acceptable since most people haven't really been working,alot has been at home, sleeping and eating with little or no exercise as they sit watching their favorite TV shows.

I am writing this post because I have seen alot of people around me who needs help and you might also find this post very helpful.

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It's not so healthy eating all kinds of junks and yet you don't spend time to work out and burn those unhealthy fat,it's time to make that decision to avoid looking much older than yourself,gyms may not be open now but you can search on YouTube for workouts,there are simple ones to engage on atleast 30 minutes to one hour a day for a start isn't a bad idea,for the ladies you can get a tummy/waist trainer for your workout as this would help you burn excess fat in your tummy,there are also good workouts designed to help you snap your desired waist,hip and butt.

Men who have big tummy could also get tummy trainers for men and arm shapers,this would really help you alot to keep fit.

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You would also need to watch what you eat if you intend to shed off some fat,eat little portions of your food,more of vegetables and water.

You need to take water regularly to help maintain your body system and for them to function effectively.

Lots of people skip their meals especially breakfast because they want to control their food intake but this is so wrong as you would only be endangering your health, never skip your breakfast rather make it to be in little proportion,you could also start your day with healthy green tea's that aid weight loss as they contain caffeine which could make you active and help you burn some calories,as much as possible avoid sugar and foods high in unhealthy fats,rather take more proteins to help build your body.

Remember consistency is the key to achieving great result,thanks for your time,I hope this made sense.