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RE: My first Axie SLP claim

in BDCommunity4 years ago

How many hundreds of hours? Each hour us an hour you spent. Time us money. If you could work 200 hours and make 4k usd in that time that's what you spent, first example.

It defies logic to say everyone can profit. Anyone could do it but everyone cannot. Profit is made from others spending and losing in the game. All crypto games are like that. Whatever you're earning and selling someone has to buy. Those buyers are losing thier money to you.

Only 5 to 10 percent of ppl in a given crypto game profit. Rest have to lose money.


Yes, I worked hard and I only work at night so. daytime, I have to spend with my real-life deals so during the night I do my online tasks. Sometimes I spend the whole night or sometimes it takes just a few hours. You are right and I completely agree with but it is what it is. I was also in that position where I was losing money.