Before sharing my thoughts on this epic movie I would like to share an amazing saying of the director and creator of this movie Alyce Tzue.
Life is all about doing something for someone…be it something small! I aimed to portray how a relationship between two very different beings can change lives for the better. Open eyes and open minds. If you want to do it – do it. No matter what comes your way…just go for it with all your heart and all your might!”source
Well, the movie seems really realistic and very endearing and high quality. Soar is based on two characters Mara and Lucas. Mara wants to become an air pilot and she is trying to create her first plane. She tries a lot but failed. She was sitting alone and sad then the tiny boy Lucas dropped out from the sky. Mara became a friend of Lucas and she has to find a way to send him back to his family since Lucas family is flying away and they don't have enough time. After many attempts, she finally made an aeroplane for Lucas and sent him back to his family. This movie is quite impressive and the best way of storytelling instead of movie featuring.
This movie taught me 2 lessons
1.) Never quit no matter how hard the task is. Keep doing it is the key to success.
2.) If you want to do something for someone then be pure and do it with all your heart.
I hope this movie will inspire you too
3D Animated Short : "Soar" - by Alyce Tzue
What I got from this was Mara finally surrendered after countless failures but then met a boy then suddenly got motivated . Lol
hahah lolz yes when you have no choice you get motivated :P
Wow nice post