Ponzi schemes are common in the society we are in,and it is one of the easiest ways for scammers to scam alot of people and steal their money so quickly and conveniently...
Many scammers have become millionaires via operating ponzi schemes and they keep scamming so many people who want to get rich quickly and believes that they can become wealthy overnight via those ponzi platforms...
Many ponzi schemes promise investors some very amazing returns on investments,they promise them unrealistic returns just to get their attention and make them feel tempted to invest on the ponzi schemes...
Many investors would fall for the ponzi schemes and they get scammed and their investments will get stolen from them...
I have come to realize that GREED is one of the major things or let me say the major thing that makes many people to get trapped in ponzi schemes,greediness makes many people to want to get rich quick overnight and during that process,the operators of ponzi schemes take advantage of them and promise them very huge return on investments..
Please stay away from greed because it would make you loose so much investments while you are trying to make very huge profits overnight...
Ponzi schemes were designed to steal from you and not enrich you,the only person that gets enriched is the owners of those ponzi schemes...
Be wise...
During years, I have developed one single rule for myself:
As soon as I see a referral link, I walk away from that place or page.
MLM would be the last place I would put my even one cent.
@onealfa.pob trust me, that rule you have developed for yourself is very good and it will prevent you from getting scammed and prevent you from wasting your time and resources..