 last year  

Assalamoalaikum Brother yes, the image is original. And Edited by Me on Designer. If you want any proof i will share with you. the template i get and edited by me thanks. regards, maooz123.

Where did you get the template from?

 last year  


I get template from this website.. But what is wrong with it please ?

I find your content counter productive and spam. You were once caught spamming ai content too. It lacks personality. You sometimes talk about places of Karachi but attach unrelated images. It's like you are barely doing any research abut whatever you are posting. It will hurt your reputation on hive in the long run. Also, we already invited u to pakistani discord so u can learn from other Pakistani hivers but u r busy in mindless posting.

 last year  

Brother Actually I Am doing an internship for 8 Hours and am Also busy with my studies. Please let me know why images are spam if I edit it myself?

And please share your Discord server again i cannot make discord yet but soon i will talk with you in your discord thanks BTW.

Your content lacks any personality and is counter productive in my opinion.

After your ai spam found, and lack of seriousness about how u r damaging your reputation I can't say much

 last year  

brother mjhy apki smjh nh arahi ap ek pakistani bhai ke reputation kion kharab krney mein lagey hen ?
Mein ne khud post banayii koi ai tool use nh kia phr bhe meri post mein spam araha h mjhy is baat kee blkul smjh arahii.