#AlphabetHunt letter T- and who are the winners of the lucky draw for the #S week.. [ENG-FR]

in Feel Good4 years ago

Hello alphabet hunters !

There will be a time when things will start to get complicated, especially for the X, Y and Z hunts, so I will ask you to be attentive to my future announcement posts because it is possible that I will change the rule a bit to one given time, so please read my posts in their entiretyIl y aura un moment où les choses vont commencer à se compliquer, notamment pour les chasses du X Y et Z, alors je vous demanderai d'être attentif à mes futurs posts d'annonce car il est possible que je change un peu la règle à un moment donné, donc merci à minima de lire ces posts dans leur intégralité

Today I open this new hunting week with my selection of words starting with the letter TAujourd'hui j'ouvre cette nouvelle semaine de chasse avec ma sélection de mots commençant par la lettre T...

Coincidence or not, this week all my words are illustrated with a "T"extured picture...😉

so let's start this series of textured images found in my archives with that of my ...alors commençons cette série d'images texturées par celle de mon ...

Thumb / pouce


this digital illustration I created in 2013 was titled "By the pricking of my thumb ... a little bird told me an odd story ..." 😊cette illustration numérique que j'ai créée en 2013 était intitulée "By the pricking of my thumb...a little bird told me an odd story..." 😊
As well as most of the images you will see in this post, this one is available for printing in my FineArtAmerica galleryAinsi que la plupart des images que vous verrez dans ce post, celle ci est disponible en impression dans ma galerie FineArtAmerica


Teddy bear the Top one Toy 😊


teddy bears are children's first friends, the ones we slide into their bed to accompany them in their sweet dreams ....les ours en peluches sont les premiers amis des enfants, ceux qu'on glisse dans leur lit pour les accompagner dans leur doux rêves....
they are among the favorite toys of very young children ...ils font parti des jouets préférés des tout jeunes enfants...


and growing up, the child will also turn to fun gameset en grandissant, l'enfant se tournera également vers des jeux amusants
and other toys that have been around since the dawn of time such as this little rocking horse ...et d'autres jouets qui existent depuis la nuit des temps tel que ce petit cheval à bascule...




Teddy bears are soft and warm, but ...Les ours en peluches sont doux et chaleureux, mais...
what can beat the tenderness of a mom ..? 🤗qu'est ce qui peux battre la tendresse d'une maman..? 🤗


and feelings are far from being reserved for human beings, animals are able to feel and manifest their feelings ... just in case we had forgotten it... 😉et les sentiments sont loin d'être réservés aux êtres humains, les animaux sont capables de ressentir et de manifester leur ressenti...juste au cas où on l'aurait oublié...😉



I know that a table is a rather mundane object, but if I show you this one it's because it is anything but banal, do you agree ..? 😁Je sais qu'une table est un objet plutôt banal, mais si je vous montre celle-ci c'est bien parce qu'elle est tout sauf banale, vous en conviendrez..? 😁


I photographed it in 2013 in front of a vintage store, and I am happy to have done it because I have never seen such a gaming table since 😉je l'ai photographiée en 2013 devant un magasin vintage, et je me félicite de l'avoir fait car je n'ai jamais revu une telle table de jeu depuis 😉



In Annecy, which is a very touristic city, we have a lot of restaurantsA Annecy, qui est une ville très touristique, nous avons énormément de restaurants
and in the old town, here is the terrace of one of its restaurants, a terrace that is just waiting for its consumers to come alive with conviviality and gourmet pleasureset dans la vieille ville, voici la terrasse de l'un de ses restaurants, une terrasse qui n'attends plus que ses consammateurs pour s'animer de convivialité et de plaisirs gourmands


The small terrace below has not existed for several years ...La terrasse ci-dessous n'existe plus depuis plusieurs années...
that's what I also like about photographing my city, it's being able to keep traces of what crossed it during the time I walked its streets ...c'est ce que j'aime aussi dans le fait de photographier ma ville, c'est pouvoir garder des traces d'une partie de ce qui l'a traversé pendant le temps où j'ai arpenté ses rues...




and there it is,Time passing, time flying as this last image suggests ...et le voilà, le temps qui passe, le temps qui s'envole ainsi que le suggère cette dernière image...


Around the clock, time is flying is the title of this textured digital manipulation 😉Autour de l'horloge, le temps s'envole c'est le titre de cette manipulation digitale texturée 😉


Voilà les amis ...it's up to you now ! / Voilà les amis ... à vous de faire à présent !

This week, you were 29 participants ! 😊Cette semaine, vous avez été 29 participants ! 😊

@adinapoli @qwerrie @redheadpei @elizacheng @kawsar8035 @johannpiber @missagora @jadeaca @melinda010100 @oks2crypto @joanstewart @txatxy @deerjay @nelinoeva @gems.and.cookies @sgbonus @amandaj @iyimoga @suzana72 @justclickindiva @ireenchew @bigsambucca @steemflow @annephilbrick @kohsamui99 @gingbabida @lizelle @zoricatech @razeiv

and here is the draw that I carried out among the 29 that posted in time in the Feel Good community 😊et voici le tirage au sort que j'ai effectué parmi les 29 qui ont posté dans les temps dans la communauté Feel Good 😊 ,
which was not compulsory for the challenge, but a prerequisite for the drawce qui était non obligatoire pour le challenge, mais un pré-requis pour le tirage



so the five lucky winners areLes cinq gagnants sont donc

@steemflow @suzana72 @oks2crypto @gems.and.cookies @redheadpei

and will each receive 1 hive 😊et recevront chacun 1 hive 😊



Here are the simple guide lines of the game :

Make a post with 6 of your own photos representing an object or concept that begins with the letter of the weekFaites un post avec 6 de vos propres photos photos représentant un objet ou concept qui commence par la lettre de la semaine
* if you post in the Feel Good community (hive-190931 as first tag for those who post from eSteem) you will participate in a random draw rewarding 5 people with 1 Hive each 😊* si vous postez dans la communauté Feel Good (hive-190931 comme 1er tag pour ceux qui postent depuis eSteem) vous participerez à un tirage au sort récompensant 5 personnes de 1 Hive chacune 😊
* use the hashtag #alphabetHunt and call me @barbara-orenya with a mention + leave your link in comment below this post so that others can see it too and have an easy access to it 😉* utilisez le hashtag #alphabetHunt et mentionnez-moi @barbara-orenya + laissez votre lien en commentaire sous ce post pour que d'autres puissent le voir et accèder également à votre post 😉
You have until next Wednesday 10pm UTC to postVous avez jusqu'à mercredi prochain 10pm UTC to post
And most importantly : Have fun, enjoy this hunt and make sure your readers also have an enjoyable moment discovering your trophy images !Et le plus important : Amusez-vous, prenez du plaisir à cette chasse et faites en sorte que vos lecteurs aient aussi beaucoup de plaisir à découvrir vos images de trophés !



As always BlueWonkies are supporting communities ! 👇

Amazing Nature community by @adalger




Feathered Friends community by @melinda010100




Always a Flower community by @dswigle




Market Friday by @dswigle




Feel Good community by @barbara-orenya




Fabulous words, Barbara, and your "illustrations" are beautiful works of art, as always.
I love them all, but Tenderness and the eyes of this little baby monkey has really touched my heart 😘

Congratulations to the winners of the draw @steemflow, @suzana72, @oks2crypto, @gems.and.cookies and @redheadpei 😊

Cheers and !BEER

smileycat_thank_you.png @johannpiber and I wish you good luck for this week hunt 😊


Apart from the fact that the dinosaur I wanted to hunt was no Tyrannosaurus, the hunt was a nice warming up for the remaining harder letters 😉

I thank you, Barbara, have a nice evening 😊

Cheers and !BEER

Oooh...I didn't find this hunt was too hard 😉


Oh no, it was not hard at all, but I had a photo of a Tyrannosaurus in my mind, but the dinosaur head I found was another dinosaur, so I had to search another word ... you'll see my post soon 😊

Cheers and !BEER

BEER Hey @barbara-orenya, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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BEER Hey @barbara-orenya, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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BEER Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of from @barbara-orenya for you. Enjoy it!

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Thank you very much @johannpiber 😊

My pleasure, congratulations to your win, @suzana72 🤗

Cheers and !BEER

BEER Hey @suzana72, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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Thanks for the congrats Hannes :)

You're very welcome Jo 🤗

Cheers and !BEER

BEER Hey @redheadpei, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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Congratulations to the winners! And to everyone who participated in the hunt. You are all winners in my book.

Wonderful choice of words @barbara-orenya. And with matching awesome photos. I just love the Ace of Spades table. Perfect for the guys during a card game. The Terrace captures just made me realize that I must stop by in one of these for some gourmet food when I can travel to your country. Cute Teddy Bears. Lovely illustration of the Thumb. Tenderness and Time may be unique this week. Let's see. Awesome job as usual.

thank you poussin.png very much for this extra nice comment @gems.and.cookies 😉 I wish you a wonderful week-end !


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All t
Congratulations to all of the lucky winners! 🙂errific selections and photos @barbara-orenya!! The teddies are cute and "Tenderness" is just adorable! Love that digital illustration as well as all the other selections too! 💖

Thank you snail.png very much for your nice comment @deerjay 😊


Most welcome @barbara-orenya! 💕

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You're very welcome and thank you very much also!! 😊

I really like your choice of the letter "T" Taddy bear and the rocking horse ... They are irresistible ... They take me back to my childhood ... 🤗
And the table with the drawn map, I would like to have it ... 😉
The whole post is so beautiful ❤️

Thanks for choosing my post, and congratulations to the other winners @steemflow @oks2crypto @gems.and.cookies @redheadpei😃

Thank you whale.png
and congrats for your win ! 😉 much for your appreciation and comment @suzana72


Thank you very much 🌹You're welcome @barbara-orenya 🥰

Thanks Suzana for the congrats. :) and congrats for your win.

You're welcome 🤗

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First of all.. Cheers to all the winners @steemflow @suzana72 @oks2crypto @gems.and.cookies @redheadpei 🍻

Oh! I never knew @barbara-orenya own a gallery too. Well, an artist of your caliber needs one. Are they deliverable to India?

I think the table deserves to be on the your six spot, what a classic!

Inspiring hunt as always 😊

I think Fine Art America delivers worlwide 😉
Thanks for your comment @razeiv and good hunt !


Okay, I have bookmarked your store and someday I might ask for one :)

Thanks for the tip!

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Thank you very much @razeiv 😊

Most welcome 😊

Thanks @razeiv for the cheer:)

So delightful to go through your post with wonderful images, all of them are just incredible. The texture you use made them truly pieces of art, each and every one.
I love them all. The table is so unique and the toys made me feel nostalgic.

ty_l_phant.png much for such delightful words of appreciation my dear 😉 It was surprisingly easier with letter T than i thought it would be....
Wish you good luck with your hunt !
I wonder if they would be enough birds to make the show of the T this week but anyway, your last hunt was a treasure 😊


I am afraid I have not made photos of birds with T, except one perhaps...
But I have some other words chosen. Wait and see. 😉

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Awwwww i love them cute teddy bears i still have my as a kid put away in a box somewhere and the table is wonderful 😊

AND CONGRATS TO ALL OF LAST WEEKS WINNERS which are steemflow @suzana72 @oks2crypto @gems.and.cookies @redheadpei

Thank you for your appreciation, and your nice words for the winners @bigsambucca 😉


My pleasure thank you @barbara-orenya 😊

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Thank you very much @bigsambucca😊

You are most welcome @suzana72 😊 😊

Time with Teddy tracing back memories traditional trademarks we all carry in our hearts.

Eating trifle on the terrace table with friends talking trifle has arrived here once again in quaint photography from your region Barbara.

Now to thumb my way throughout my photography to find matching words for letter "T", well done with art used and exquisite photography once again.


bunny.png for your inimitable lyrical comments @joanstewart...love them ! 😊



Have a fun day and thanks for being you Barbara, Fun Friday today let us see what we can do!

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Hey friends, I missed the letter S but I am already working on the letter T. Greetings to all.

T is not bad too 😉Great @isabelpena ! You missed a very easy letter but


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Another lovely selection by you i love the table that is really different something i would love around the house 😊

And congrats to all the lucky draw winners @steemflow @suzana72 @oks2crypto @gems.and.cookies @redheadpei happy hunting with "T" 👍

smileycat_thank_you.png much @kohsamui99 ..I'm looking forward to discover your selection ! 😉

Thank you very much @kohsamui99 🤗

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 24 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thank you Pix 😉

Check out @johannpiber blog here and follow if you like the content :)

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BEER Hey @barbara-orenya, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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Amazing Nature Meets Featheredfriends @nelinoeva wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @nelinoeva if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @barbara-orenya! You have received 0.1 HBD tip from @nelinoeva!

BEER Hey @barbara-orenya, here is a little bit of from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

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A wonderful successful hunt Barbara. The thumb is awesome art. I really like the antique wooden card table with the spade on the top, the teddy bears and cute baby monkey.

I’m happy to be one of the draw winners. 😊

The link to my entry:


Nice post 😊

Congratulations to the winners
My entry: https://hive.blog/hive-190931/@amandaj/alphabethunt-letter-t @steemflow @ suzana72 @ oks2crypto @ gems.and.cookies @redheadpei

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Why late ? you have until wednesday so you are not late, don't worry 😉

Congratulations to all of the sensational winners for the letter Ssssss...

Another fantastic display of originality, beauty and uniqueness from all of you!

Beautiful T's and photography, I especially love the Teddies and that arty table, just gorgeous! Congratulations to last week's winners as well.
So this T-letter was really generous as was last week's S, so here goes for my entry Traipsing the Trails


My entry for this week's terrific Alphabet letter~ T
@barbara-orenya https://hive.blog/hive-190931/@annephilbrick/alphabet-hunt-the-letter-l

Hey @Barbara-orenya thanks for the winning position for Letter S. And appoligize to everyone for not responding to anyone wishes. I had some busy time with my ailing Dad. Anyhow, I made this little collection for Aphabet T.
