
Yes! You may enter as often as you like, just create a separate post for each entry.

Hopefully I'll remember to get atleast 1 ready to go, cause thankfully you've given me 2 weeks notice...🤣

I have an idea of what I sort of want to use and to do, but have to learn how to do it first...but in my head it looks great!🤣

That is where all my art looks good! In my head. 😁 mind is always playing tricks on me- with EVERYTHING!😱

Our minds really are our worst enemies sometimes as well as being our best friends too...🙄

Speaking ofwhich, I must now go to bed and have a long stern, discussion with my head about going to sleep before 6am...😬

So as I say goodnight, I wish that you have a wonderful, super dooper Saturday for of great things and an even more amazing weekend! 😊

I hope you got a good night's sleep! I don't sleep much, but it is because of my Hive addiction! I'd rather be here than sleeping!

Yeah me too, but them my brian just says no and closes up shop for the night, even though the rest of me wants to stay open and continue on...

I completely understand brain shutdown! 🙄