Hello friends, the protagonist of my photos is and will be a source of inspiration for many people throughout our history, many artists have been inspired by her to create great works. I'm talking to you about the Palma Real.
Hola amigos, hay la protagonista de mis fotos es y será una fuente de inspiración para muchas personas a lo largo de nuestra historia, muchos artistas se han inspirado en ella para crear grandes obras. Les hablo de la Palma Real.
A tree that was of such importance was proclaimed as the national symbol of Cuba.
Un árbol que de tal importancia fue proclamado como símbolo nacional de Cuba.
Speaking a little about history, I tell you that palms in general were very useful during times of war, the peasants used their roots as medicine, they built houses with the trunk and they made the roof with guano. They also used its fruits as food for animals.
Hablando un poco de historia, les comento que las palmas en general fueron de mucha utilidad en la época de guerra, los campesinos usaban sus raíces como medicina, con el tronco se construian casas y el techo lo hacían con el guano. Además aprovechaban sus frutos como comida para los animales.
Nowadays, they are found everywhere adorning our archipelago, they can be seen alone or in groups, the latter is called palmar.
Hoy en dia, se encuentran por todas partes adornando nuesto archipiélago, se puede ver sola o formando grupos, este último se llama palmar.
I in particular love to watch how their leaves move with the wind.
A mi en particular me encanta mirarlas como se mueven sus hojas con el viento.
Thank you for reading and I hope you liked my photographs. Successes and blessings
Gracias por leerme y espero que les haya gustado mis fotografías. Exitos y bendiciones
I love palm trees, especially of coconut fruit. It's so nutritious and also looks so beautiful! 🌴 :)
Gracias por su comentario, las palmas son realmente asombrosas. Saludos
Beautiful pictures, the palms besides being useful to build huts provide food such as coconut, very common on the coast and a fruit called moriche, with which delicious desserts are made and whose tree has large palms.
Hola amiga, gracias por tu comentario es verdad que la palma es increíble. Saludos