dorika-bee cross-posted this post in Feel Good 3 years ago

Šetnja po šumi na Vršačkim planinama -A walk in the woods in the Vršac Mountains

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago

Challenge by:@tattodjay
Comunity: #WednesdayWalk
Topic: #MakemeSmile

Lepo vreme i sunce su uticali na to da provedemo popodne u prirodi.Sa muzem i decom prošetali smo šumom po Vrsackim planinama.Krenuli smo od Dumbrave, to je vikend naselje u podnožju planina, do malog potoka,to nam je prvo bio cilj.

Nice weather and the sun influenced us to spend the afternoon in nature. With my husband and children we walked through the woods in the Vrsac mountains. We started from Dumbrava, it is a weekend village at the foot of the mountains, to a small stream, it was our goal first.


Priroda se polako budi,trava po malo se vidi zelena a prvi cvetići su prekrili tlo i stidljivo izviruju ispod suvog lišća.

Nature is slowly waking up, the grass is a little green, and the first flowers have covered the ground and are shyly emerging from under the dry leaves.



Staze su uske,tuda ne prolazi mnogo ljudi.Kasnije kad vegetacija buja jedva su prohodne.

The paths are narrow, not many people pass there. Later, when the vegetation flourishes, they are barely passable.



Obozavamo ove setnje.Deca pogotovo,i uvek zele da idu u setnju sumom.Ova namje prva ove godine u ovom delu.Tad se osecaju kao pravi avanturisti.Trce,dozivaju se i istrazuju a najvise vole kad se spustaju ili penju na veci uspon brda.

We love these walks. Children in particular, and always want to go for a walk in the woods. This is our first time this year in this part. Then they feel like real adventurers. .


Stigli smo do potoka pa krenuli dalje do izvora.Tamo su meštani iz naselja napravili bunar i voda je dobra za piće.Čista,bistra i hladna.

We reached the stream and moved on to the spring. There, the locals from the settlement made a well and the water is good for drinking. Clean, clear and cold.







Ops,nismo poneli čašu ali ovako je i zanimljivije.Oveženje,odmor i odlučili smo da idemo dalje da istrazujemo.

Oops, we didn't bring a glass, but this way it's more interesting. Refreshment, rest and we decided to go further to explore.




Naišli smo i na put kojim je išao verovatno traktor,ali mi smo krenuli uskim putićem,prečicom,kroz suvu travu da vidimo sta li ima malo dalje pa jos malo dalje i dosta smo isli.Da nije suprug bio tu ne bi toliko odmakli jer ja se ne orijentišem bas najbolje.Deca su se salila da su kao "Ivica i Marica"iz bajke.I naislu smo na neku kućicu.Ali nije od čokolade ha-ha nego "čeka za divlje svinje".

We also came across a road that was probably a tractor, but we took a narrow path, a shortcut, through dry grass to see if there was a little further and then a little further and we went a lot. If my husband wasn't there we wouldn't be so far away I don't orient myself very well. The children joked that they were like "Ivica and Marica" ​​from a fairy tale. And we came across a house. But it's not made of chocolate ha-ha but "waiting for wild boars".




Lovci su je napravili.U blizini su očistili mali deo i tu bacaju hranu da naviknu divlje svinje da tu dodju a oni ih cekaju u tu kucicu.

The hunters made it. They cleaned a small part nearby and they throw food there to get the wild boars used to coming there and they are waiting for them in that house.


Posle slikanja krenuli smo nerado nazad,vec se osećao malo hladniji vazduh a i trebalo nam je dosta vremena da se vratimo.Sledeći put ćemo krenuti u prepodnevnim satima i ponećemo sendviče da ceo dan šetamo.

After the painting, we reluctantly headed back, the air was already a little colder and it took us a long time to get back. Next time we will leave in the morning and bring sandwiches to walk all day.

U šumi ima puno palog drveća.Naišli smo na jedno ogromno deblo na koje sam morala da se popnem i da slikam.

There are a lot of fallen trees in the forest. We came across a huge trunk that I had to climb and paint.




I naravno dobila sam ovaj prelep buketić koji su mi moje devojke ubrale.

And of course I got this beautiful bouquet that my girls picked for me.


Pozdrav od vaše Dorike

Greetings from your Dorika