Phone Photography: A lot of fire bugs

in Feel Good22 days ago

I've added the #phonography contest of to my weekly blog post in which I gather the different #photocontests that we have on Hive.

I really like the idea of a #phonography contest. For me as an amateur photographer the introduction of camera's on smartphones was a huge leap forward. I do have a 'regular' camera, but of course I don't carry it with me all day. Since I have my phone with me almost all-time, I can make photographs every time I see something interesting (and I can tell you that happens to me quite a lot).
And the quality of the phone camera's have gotten so much better in the past years.

My entry; Fire bugs

Last weekend I was making a walk with my wife when I spotted something red on a nearby tree trunk. At first I thought it was fungi or something, but when I came closer I saw it was a huge pile of fire bugs. I have never seen so many of them gathering together. Of course I pulled out my smartphone and took a photo.
Later on I used ChatGPT to find out why firebugs would gather together. ChatGPT came up with four reasons:

  • Thermoregulation: (they are cold blooded and warm up in the sun)
  • Safety: Grouping together can offer safety in numbers. When they gather, their bright red and black coloring serves as a warning to predators (aposematism) that they are distasteful or toxic.
  • Mating Behavior: Fire bugs are also known to congregate during their mating season. Large gatherings increase the chance of finding a mate, helping to ensure reproduction.
  • Food Availability: Fire bugs often cluster near food sources, such as linden seeds or other plant matter.

Despite the fact you cannot always trust the outcome of AI tools I do like to use it for answering these kind of questions.

Anyways... I found it an interesting photo to share with you for the #phonography contest. I hope you like it too!



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Omg, there are so many. This is the first time I am seeing them in such a massive amount.

It was the first time for me too.

'Large gatherings increase the chance of finding a mate'😁I think that must be the reason!
Such carnivals are really a good place. By the way, it seems as if many of them are constantly looking upward. Really nice photography! :)

It's amazing, a big family getting together.

Thanks! A big family busy creating an even bigger family 😂

Yes, that's very true.

That is a massive amount of bugs
Great to see you supporting @untilwelearn's contest.

It's great to see Ecency supporting all different contests too!

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👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
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I didn't sign up for the company 401k.
I don't think I can run that far.

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