These sunny days are really welcome! My Japanese maple is already blossoming and the fruit trees are to follow next.
Lovely that you have bought plants to attract butterflies. Last year I didn't see a lot of them in my backyard although I also have a Buddleja and a couple of Oxeyes.
I'll also sprinkle some bees and butterflies wildflower mix in some spots again.
Hopefully there will be more insecte this year because I like photographing them as well.
Oh, our Japanese Maple only has buds, no leaves to be seen yet. We have all sorts of things for birds and insects in our garden, usually not much for butterflies because we also want vegetables and fruit in our garden and then butterflies are not really that handy. The caterpillars eat our cabbage, lettuce, and sprouts. We had that experience once and we don't want to repeat it. But on the other hand, we do want birds in the garden, and birds just love caterpillars. In addition, a Buddleja is just very beautiful to look at, and it can grow high. That was what we were looking for to block the view for Skipper. It will take a while before it happens ... but a start has been made.
More insects this year? ... As long as the agricultural sector here is so generous with the poison, there will sooner be fewer insects and biodiversity in the Netherlands has been declining for years. That will not change this year either, little has been achieved in this regard, and far too little is being done to preserve and expand nature and therefore insects. I fear that it will only get worse ...