At first I thought the letter O would be an easy one, but I was wrong and so I had to cheat a little bit ...
Cheating the O

Last week we have been hunting the letter N in the #AlphabetHunt Challenge hosted by the great and so very talented Barbara @barbara-orenya in the Feel Good Community: illustrate 6 words (or concepts) starting with the letter of the week.
This week we hunt the next letter in the Alphabet, which is the Letter "O". If you want to know more about this cool challenge and how to participate, click here: #AlphabetHunt letter O - And a summer break for the challenge.
I am happy, because I was drawn as one of the winners of the N hunt, and I want to congratulate my co-winners @nelinoeva, @missagora, @isabelpena and @elizacheng 😊
Now, let's start with the first word I have found on my hunt:
Oenothera - Evening Primrose
This nice loking yellow Oenothera flower is also known as Evening Primrose, Suncups or Sundrops.
On the first photo I have tried one of my selfmade macro backgrounds for the first time (cheat #1).

I took one of my photos, blurred it in Photoshop and printed the image on paper. I thought, if the background of a flower is messy and distracting I would use one of these prints and hold it behind the flower to make the background look better. I don't think I'll do it often though and I need to print them on other paper again, because here you can clearly see that it's a print.

Ochlodes Sylvanus - Large Skipper
During one of my latest walks at the reservoir I have seen and photographed quite a few butterflies, and besides this Large Skipper there's also a Small Skipper which I might show you in a later #AlphabetHunt post.

Old and Young
Obviously, the title is not the flower's name, but it's the phrase I thought of when I saw these flowers: Old and Young.
If I'm ot completely wrong, the name of the flowers is Trollius europaeus or Globeflower (German: Troll flower).

The flowers grew in my parent's garden. Because the background wasn't very pleasing with wooden boards and garden tools, I took two big leaves from another plant, positioned them behind the flowers and blurred them in Photoshop (cheat #2).

Orchid - Neottia Nidus-Avis, Bird's-Nest Orchid
This quite unimpressive flower is actually an orchid. I found it in the middle of the path in the forest behind my parent's house.
@faltermann has made an interesting post with much better photos about this flower about two months ago and unfortunatelly I had forgotten that its blossoms smell like honey, but when I see it next time I will smell it.
The name Bird's-Nest Orchid comes from the bird's-nest-like shape of the roots.

This was another photo with a very messy background and I needed the help of Photoshop to clean up a bit (cheat #3).

Orchis militaris - the Military Orchid
When I saw this beautiful little orchid and googled for it's name I have read that it's very rare, but I can tell you I know an area where they bloom in large numbers.

Oh, the Bee is dead
Now, if you think I have already cheated above by using other backgrounds and Photoshop, then you should know that the fourth and real cheat I was talking about in the beginning is this one.
I haven't found a sixth O word with a suitable photo, but for my own salvation I can tell you that this is what I really thought when I encountered the Bee on the spider thread: Oh, it's dead. The Oh is no real word, so I think it's cheated at least a little bit 😉

It was a bit windy on the day when I saw this sadly dead bee which was hanging on a spider thread and it was not easy to get reasonable sharp photos from the swinging bee.

A few little flies have already found the bee and I hope they left enough for the spider, which I couldn't find in the near.

So, I hope you don't mind my little cheating and also not the photos, because nobody likes to see dead things.

Well, that was it from me for this week, my hunt for the O is over and now I'm looking forward to see the results of your successful hunts.
After the OP.
I will also slow down for the next weeks and hope you don't mind when I don't comment or reply late. the #AlphabetHunt will take a Summer break until the end of August - on Thursday, August 27 it starts again with the letter
All photos were shot with the Canon EOS R and one of these lenses: Canon RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM, Canon EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM, Canon EF 16-35mm 1:4 L IS USM, Canon EF 50mm 1:1.8 L STM, SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM, SIGMA 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM C. I leave all EXIF and IPTC information stored in the pictures. |
If you like my photos I would appreciate an upvote, nice comment or maybe you want to share my post on your blog 😊 ... and maybe you would like to follow me, so that you never miss any of my posts.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog,
have a nice evening,
Photos and Text: Johann Piber | All rights reserved - do not use without my permission
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Hahaha ! you have so creatively cheated ! I love that 😁
It made me laugh that you make us think you have cheated with photoshop (I thought, oh well, this is no cheat...) and in fact the real hankey-pankey is the last one 😄 (yes this one was a wonderful attempt of fraud, well done, indeed ! 😂)
Joke apart, your photos are wonderful and I want to thank you to be playing with us since all these weeks, and I know you post less these last time and knowing that the few you post are those of the alphabethunt, well I really appreciate that you enjoy doing it...I also think that this summer break then comes handy for a lot of us, we need some rest and come back fresh and motivated,
so I wish you wonderful trips with your motorcycle in your beautiful landscapes and coming back with your magnificent captures !
Good morning Barbara,
thank you so very much for your overall nice comment, I really appreciate your kind words 🤗
Seriously, I am glad you have made that break, because in the next weeks it would have been hard for me to make such posts - I'll be much on the roads and with my family.You are right, at the moment I'm only posting for the #AlphabetHunt and I have no idea what to do in the next weeks 😉 lol
Again, I thank you very much for your good wishes and I hope you have also wonderful, joyful holidays with much fun 😊
Cheers and !BEER
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Damn i am not even sober yet after the weekend and your throwing all these tongue twisting words at me forget the name , i love all these awesome flowers great job even though you cheated a bit still nicely done and i have learned some tongue twisting 😂
Haha, what a funny and still so nice comment on my Os, my friend @bigsambucca 😁
I think you drink too much ... do you have problems with alcohol? No, but without it! 🤣🤣🤣lol
Thank you so much that you like my photos ... and that I could teach you some tongue twisting words 😊
Cheers and !BEER
The problem is i don't drink enough and when i do get near the alcohol just the smell of it gets me wobbly..hehe...i am a cheap drunk is what the girls tell me and they love it because they get to drink half of my 😅 😅
I haven't learned them tongue twisting words yet but i will go back and have another go now 😂 😂
Thank care and have a great week @johannpiber 😊
Hahaha, that's great and sounds you save a lot of money when you go out with a girl - one drink for two 🤣
Have a great week too, @bigsambucca 😊
Cheers and !BEER
Hehe...this is true the way i like it 🎈
Have a great week also @johannpiber 😊
The weekend is near
Cheers with a !BEER 😁
So quick and i am not over last weekend yet 😨
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.@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
you cheated indeed! all those weird Latin names starting from 'O'...
we search for the English words, not a Latin ones :)
Large Skipper means L and not O, hehe. (by the way -- this was the 1st butterfly willing me to pose in the best way this season, and getting me some good macro shots. havent shared them yet. just wanted to say an extra thank you! - for the butterfly's iD).
blurring background in Photoshop is not a heat at all, imo.. and i dont see those backgrounds are printed at all. but didnt you consider to use just a monotone olour/tinted paper? (some pastel ones will work best, imo).
I love your orchids pickup and illustration very much. In the 'Oh bee is dead' I didnt like the 'O' part but like the pictures -- i totally imagine how hard it was getting sharm captures of such a plot at a windy day!
let me grant you with a little !BEER prize... and see you at letter 'P' !
Well, my dear friend, if the official Wikipedia page of a flower or an insect says the latin name in the title or in the first sentence it is enough for me - I wouldn't call that cheating, but something like "avoiding stress and headaches caused by too intensive search for English O's" ... or so 😂 lol
Maybe I can see the printed background because I know it 😉 I'll print them on a better paper when I have some spare time. These prints are only made at work on a laser printer.
Thank you so much that you love my orchids and the bee, although the "O" part 😉 The light was bright and I was lucky that the wind stopped for a few moments every now and then 😀
P and I wish you a great week 🤗Thanks a lot for the !BEER @qwerrie - see you at the
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Very nice selection of photos for letter "O".
And of course my favourite is "Oh, the bee 🐝 is dead "😇.
Hope you're having great fun with your bike and everything is going well for you and your family.
Have a great week, till your next post with letter "P".
I hope you don't like the photos because the bee is dead 🤪 lol
Good morning my friend @cezary-io, I hope you and your family are well and want to thank you so much for one more nice comment 🤗
Thank you very much, my family is fine and the only good thing about our hot weather is, that I can go and ride my motorbike without the fear of getting wet, although sometimes it it even too hot to ride ;)
I will slow down a bit in the next weeks and I think I'll do my next longer post with the letter "P" at the end of August, and maybe a few smaller ones in between ... I can't shut the computer or Hive completely off I think 🤣
I wish you also a very nice Summer with your family and let's hope the world gets somehow "normal" again.
Cheers and !BEER
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You make cheating a beautiful form of art! Enjoy your summer holidays. I think this is the perfect time of year for all of us to take a holiday and enjoy the summer!
Good morning and thank you so much for your kind compliment, @melinda010100 😁
Yes, for the next few weeks we all should take some time off of the usual to recover and reload our batteries 🙂
Thank you, I wish you a wonderful Sunday 🌞
Cheers and !BEER
I definitely need a battery recharge, and not just for making comments! I feel like there are many things I have been neglecting and I need to do something to regain a bit of energy! Covid is still bad here and isolation is wearing me down.
The same applies for me, apart from the Covid thing. We have no Covid, we have no isolation - people just don't care and the second wave will come and hit us much harder, I hope I'm wrong though.
I hope you get some time to recharge and recover, @melinda010100 😊
Cheers and !BEER
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!tipI just love checking out your selections @johannpiber and another great job (even for the cheat! I still love the way the edit came out and that skipper is amazing! Loved every one even the bee although sad to see but it is all a part of nature. 💖
thank you so much for your nice words which made my evening happy and I don't mind the heat that much anymore 😊Hello @deerjay,
I was so glad that some photos of the butterfly became quite sharp just as the dead bee, because it was windy that morning and many of the photos I took turned out very blurred.
Thank you also very much for the rehive and for the !tip 🤗
Cheers and !BEER
You are very welcome @johannpiber!! 💕
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.Cheating The O - Alphabethunt@johannpiber wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @johannpiber if you like it :)
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First of all, it's a very great idea that you did your post of "cheating the O" for the AlphabetHunt.
Then I would like to start my comment with the words....."Oh WOW".....
The Oenothera is gorgeous with bright yellow color and it looks refreshing with the raindrops.
The butterfly is magnificent.
Good finding for the "Old and Young" flowers. They are very cute!
The Bird's-Nest Orchid has amazing shape.
The Military Orchid is beautiful with lovely color.
Oh! It's so sad to see that the "bee" is dead..... In the meantime, I love the "white" flower in the background.
Excellent photoshop and great capture! ;)
Good morning @tangmo,
I want to thank you so much for your nice words on each of my photos and that you like what I have posted 🤗
The bee is dead, that's very sad, but that's nature and as you I didn't like to see the dead bee, but in combination with the flower in the background it looked better to me :)
Thank you very much again for your comment and kind compliments, @tangmo, have a great day and a wonderful weekend ☀️
Cheers and !BEER
My pleasure!
Ah! The dead bee in combination with the white flower in the background looks better to me, too.
Stay safe and take care! ;)
Thank you so much, @tangmo, you take care and stay safe too 😁
Cheers and !BEER
Many thanks! Have a wonderful day! ;)
Cheers and !BEER
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Hey @tangmo, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
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Very successful and ingenious catch ..
The most interesting photo for me is the name of the flower Orchid 😁
I saw him for the first time maybe a month ago in the woods. It seemed strange to me, the shape of the flower reminded me a bit of a chestnut flower ..🤔. And of course I had no idea what it was called ... thanks for the information😊
And Oh, it may not be the right word but it is still used often😉
Have a nice evening and enjoy the break😊☀️
Good morning again @suzana72 😊
Thank you so much that you like my photos and I am happy that you have learned something new through my post 😁
I had to cheat with the "Oh" but I think it wasn't the worst I could do - thank you that you think so too 😄
Have a great day and a wonderful weekend @suzana72 🌞 + some 🌦️🌧️
Cheers and !BEER
You're welcome @johannpiber 🤗 Have a great day and wonderful weekend.. too @johannpiber 🌦️🌧️😉
😁 😉
Cheers and !BEER
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Hey @suzana72, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
Oh your choices are wonderful Johann. I don’t think you cheated one bit with all the work with experiments For the backgrounds.😊
Orchis militaris Is indeed a beauty as are the other flowers. Lovely photos of the large skipper.
It’s always sad to see a dead bee as they are so beneficial to our ecosystem. I would have also said, Oh my, it’s dead.”
I enjoyed all your creativity and selections dearJohann. 💞
Oh thank you so much, dear Jo, for the tip and for the rehive and for your nice compliments 🤗
Sometimes I'm lucky to find nice flowers or insects, such as the ones in this post :)
Seeing a dead bee is sad, especially like on this photo, but that's life. I wonder if a bee would also say "Oh my, it's dead." if she'd see a person laying dead on the ground. A fly would certainly say "Yummy" 🤣
Again, I wish you a wonderful weekend, dear Jo 😊
I hope the weather turns a bit cooler, although in a few months we will be hoping again for some Summer heat 😉
Cheers and !BEER
Most welcome @johannpiber. Your posts are always a delight and I always look forward to seeing them.
As I mentioned in another reply to you, Peppy has returned. I’m so happy he is okay but I have to wonder what happened to him for the last two weeks. He’s pretty close mouthed -I don’t think I’ll find out anything from him. 😆He was here late last night and must be sleeping this morning.
Yes, it will be winter soon enough Johann and we will wish for some of this heat.
Have a great weekend dear Johann and perhaps a nice ride on the HD.😊
You're too kind, dear Jo, but I enjoy your words 🤗
I'm so happy too, that Peppy is back, and I have told you my thoughts where he might have been in the other reply 😉
But if he tells you he visited his mom, don't believe him 😁
I have had a two hours ride today - it was nice, but much too hot, so I have sweat even while I was riding.
May your weekend be nice and not too hot, dear Jo 😊
Cheers and !BEER
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.@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
Oh my goodness! What amazing photos!!!
You are such a cheat! And you crack me up!Fabulous photos, my friend. Thanks for sharing with us your gift and skill in photography.
Have a great evening, and take care, my friend @johannpiber 🥰🌺🤙
Haha, the time difference can be confusing sometimes - we have a warm and cloudy morning here in the south of Austria 😁
I wish you a wonderful weekend and take care 😊It makes me happy that I could please you with my photos, dear @silversaver888, thank you so much for your kind words 🤗
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Sehr schön geschrieben und ganz besonders gut fotografiert, hast du die Bilder in deinem Beitrag. Du hast dir wieder Mühe gegeben alles sauber und ordentlich zu benennen. Das finde ich wirklich klasse. Besonders freut mich natürlich, dass du den Vogelnestwurz auch fotografieren konntest.
Herzliche Grüße aus Unterfranken 🦋
Vielen Dank @faltermann, ein netter Kommentar von dir ist immer schön 😊
Ich hatte dir ja bereits bei deinem Beitrag geschrieben, dass ich eine Vogelnestwurz gefunden habe, aber ich bin bis heute nicht dazu gekommen, sie zu posten.
Liebe Grüße aus dem heißen Kärnten 😊
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.@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
Beautiful Orchids. If not for you, I wouldn't know they existed. :-)
Have a great weekend, Johann!
Good morning Victor,
haha, all of these Orchids have been posted on the Hive before 😉 but I thank you so much that you like them, my friend 🤗
I wish you a wonderful weekend too, Victor ☀️
Cheers and !BEER
You have just been bro-fisted by the guys in the man cave and now have 1 more BRO. Enjoy!**
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.@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
Ha ha a little cheat now and again always adds to the fun, hanging around 'Oh dear it's dead' concept.
Orchids and flowers a treat, excellent photography and tweaks using photoshop!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend Johann, yup another Friday is upon us.
Good morning and thank you very much, dear Joan, I appreciate your nice comment on my photos 🤗
I had to make this little cheat for some fun and because I really had no idea what else to post 😁
My weekend will begin in a few minutes and maybe I'll take Monday off too, but that depends on the weather.
So, I say thank you again and wish you also a wonderful weekend, Joan 😊
Cheers and !BEER
I have yet to start thinking about a post, might end up being a bit of a cheat on words, who knows I have not had time to think about it yet.
Oh a long weekend, hope you escape to the countryside, some fabulous new photographs again. Perhaps taking a bike ride stretching your legs and letting the wind flow, enjoy whatever you decide to do Johann.
It's the last hunt before the Summer break, so a bit of cheating should be allowed 😉
Exactly, motorbike riding and mountain hiking, that's my plan 😁
Hope you enjoy your weekend too 🌞
Cheers and !BEER
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Hi @johanpiber, you have a very creative selection of O words. I haven't tried writing a post on the hunt for O's and I am feeling a little worried already before I start!!
Hello @angiemitchell,
thank you so much that you like my O words 🤗
Don't be worried, a few words will be easy and the rest will come to your mind while you write the others down, and if not, just think a bit out of the box and cheat, like I did 🤣 lol
I thank you for your kind comment and wish you a wonderful weekend ☀️
Cheers and !BEER
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Dazu noch ein kleines !BEERDu wurdest als Member von @investinthefutur gevotet!
Dankeschön @investinthefutur, und wie üblich gibt es von mir ein kleines !BEER 😁
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.Das ist cool, dankeschön 😁
Danke Johann! Glückwunsch auch an Dich!
Jetzt können wir ein paar Wochen durchatmen und dann geht's weiter. Lg
Ich danke dir auch - die paar Wochen Challenge-Pause werden uns gut tun und wie du sagst können wir Ende August frisch und erholt weitermachen 😊
Cheers und !BEER
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.Thank you so much dear @pixresteemer, have a !BEER from me for you being so kind 😊
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.Great post of beautiful nature. It seems to me that only your photos reveal all the beauty and beauty of wild nature. Thank you very much and wish you creative success.
Thank you so much for your kind comment, Yuriy, I appreciate it and your good wishes a lot and your nice words for my photos make me happy 😊
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.Wow! Amazing macro photos! You have the patience and care in shooting these delicate pictures!! Wonderful atmosphere reflected in these photos!
It's alwys such a great feeling when I post my photos and get such nice comments as yours 😊Good evening and thank you so much that you like my photos, dear @kaminchan 😁
Cheers and !BEER
Yep! Your photos always cheered me up.
I wish I could have half of your skills!!
Have a wonderful weekend and maybe you want to celebrate it with a cool !BEER 😉Thank you so much, dear @kaminchan 🤗
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.Thank you for the tip!
I’ll get drunk this evening!
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.Thank you very much for the 🍺 @cezary-io 😊
Ohh Let’S Hunt For Os@redheadpei wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @redheadpei if you like it :)
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Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Thank you so much for the 🍺 Joan 😀
Amazing. I'm out of words..👍👍
Have a wonderful weekend 🌞Thank you very much that you like my post and the photos, @fahad3728, I appreciate your kind comment 😊
Cheers and !BEER
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Hey @fahad3728, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
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Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz:
Thank you very much for the information, @hivebuzz 😁
Cheers and !BEER
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Hey @hivebuzz, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Congrats on your last win and even for a cheater, these photos are great indeed.
I like how you "manufactured" the background of the flower with two leaves.
That poor bee, or should I rather say "Oh Bee" is also well done.
Thanks a lot for your congratulations and that you like my photos Zac 😀
The leaves were needed, and Photoshop was a big help 😉
Cheers and !BEER
And thank you also for appreciating my posts Hannes.
A good idea those leaves and I like the way that you do your backgrounds. Very professional I must say!
Photoshop is too expensive for me and I have become so used to not editing that it doesn't bother me.
Cheers and thanks!
Thank you so much Zac 😄
I have been using Photoshop for so many years and I like it. I don't think I have ever published a photo without editing. There's always something to do 😉
Cheers and !BEER
My pleasure Hannes.
I was just not saying it please you, but I think that you also know that the photos was good.
Yeah, I would say each to his own my friend and if you enjoy it then it's good.
Cheers and thanks!
Thank you Zac 😁
Right, some edit, some don't like you and it's all good 😊
Cheers and !BEER
Pleasure Hannes,
Nowadays people are quick to jump with nasty comments to others when they type or do something that the people don't like.
To me, everyone has the right to say and do whatever pleases them.
I often see some with sniping tongues on here and they are either bitter people, or know alls.
What can one gain by constantly trying to blow the candles of others out?
Darkness for all while only the own candle burns?
They say that what one hates or detest in others, is in fact within the self!
Gentleness and kindness costs nothing, but it can help to improve the self and others.
Cheers and thanks!
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Hey @papilloncharity, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Thank you @johannpiber
You have just been bro-fisted by the guys in the man cave and now have 1 more BRO. Enjoy!**
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Thank you @johannpiber
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Hey @papilloncharity, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Thank you @johannpiber
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Hey @papilloncharity, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Thank you @johannpiber
Beautiful selection and wonderful tricks. I loved it and happy summer with your family friend @johannpiber
Haha, thanks a lot that you liked my trick, @surika, and also thank you that you like the other photos too 😁
I wish you and your family also a wonderful Summer @surika 🤗
Cheers and !BEER
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Hey @surika, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Even though you had to cheat a bit you came up with beautiful unusual selection of flowers all new to me and thoroughly enjoyed looking at each one nice finds and the poor Bee R.I.P 👍
Thank you so much for your kind words my friend 😄
The bee is poor and I felt sad when I saw it, but it was a feast for the flies and later for the spider too, I believe 😁
Thanks again, @kohsamui99, have a wonderful week 😊
Cheers and !BEER
I don't know if the bot likes be today, but I try it anyway:
You have just been bro-fisted by the guys in the man cave and now have 1 more BRO. Enjoy!**
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Hey @kohsamui99, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
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Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Thank you for the beer @qwerrie 😊