Hello my dear readers, I hope you had or are having a great day.
linkThis is the first time I participate in this contest, organized by @untilwelearn and for those who want to participate, here is the
I will tell you a little about the main picture, it is an open air chapel, called Santuario del Cristo de Jose, better known as the Sanctuary of the travellers. It is located in the northeast of Venezuela, specifically in Barcelona - Anzoátegui State.
I am a native of this city and unfortunately I have not been able to visit this chapel many times, as it is quite far from where I live.
Legend has it that this image was brought to Venezuela at the end of the 19th century by the owners of the hacienda, who were the former presidents: Jose Gregorio and Jose Tadeo Monagas.
It is said that they were very superstitious and when they saw that their cattle did not produce enough meat or milk, it was because they had been part of a witchcraft.
So, they spoke to a priest and he recommended that they place the image of a Christ on the hacienda, and the Monagas decided to bring the image of a muscular Christ, carved under the blessing of the Virgin of Guadalupe, from Mexico to counteract the "bad influences".
As you can see, the chapel is completely open, it has no walls, the air circulates freely among the visitors who come to the place, giving a feeling of tranquillity and peace.
This is my family, I am the one with the red flannel. This day was a walk we did as a family, to spend the day in a different way.
We had a great time that day, after that we followed the road to a beach that is several kilometres away, it is a small town called Puerto Píritu, where the sun is quite intense, because the vegetation there is arid, but that is another story that I will tell you some other time.
I hope you liked this story that I gladly wrote for you. I say goodbye, but not before thanking you for taking some of your valuable time to visit my blog and support me. And as the saying goes: "Do good, without looking at whom".
Original creation content:
❤️ All photos are mine, taken and edited with my Alcatel phone.
💜 The images of the divider were taken from glitter-graphics.com.
💚 The English translation was done with the help of deepl.com/
🧡 The letters that indicate the languages were taken from es.bloggif.com/
Hola mis queridos lectores, espero que hayan tenido o tengan un excelente día.
enlaceEsta es la primera vez que participo en este concurso, que nos organizó @untilwelearn y para aquellos que quieran participar, aquí les dejo él
Les cuento un poco acerca de la foto principal, se trata de una capilla al aire libre, llamada Santuario del Cristo de Jose, más conocida como el Santuario de los viajeros. Está situada al noreste de Venezuela, específicamente en Barcelona - Estado Anzoátegui.
Soy nativa de esta ciudad y lamentablemente son pocas las veces que he podido visitar esta capilla, pues queda bastante alejada de donde vivo.
Cuenta la leyenda que esta imagen fue traída a Venezuela a finales del siglo XIX, por los propietarios de la hacienda, que fueron los expresidentes: Jose Gregorio y Jose Tadeo Monagas.
Se dice que ellos eran muy supersticiosos y al ver que su ganado, no producía suficiente carne, ni leche, era porque habían sido parte de una brujería.
Entonces, hablaron con un sacerdote y les recomendó colocar la imagen de un Cristo en la hacienda y los Monagas decidieron traer de México esa imagen de un musculoso Cristo, tallado bajo la bendición de la Virgen de Guadalupe, para contrarrestar las “malas influencias”.
Como pueden observar la capilla es totalmente abierta, no posee paredes, el aire circula libremente entre los visitantes que acuden al lugar, dando una sensación de tranquilidad y paz.
Esta es mi familia, yo soy la que tiene la franela roja. Este día fue un paseo que hicimos en familia, para pasar el día de un modo diferente.
La pasamos genial ese día, después de allí seguimos el camino rumbo a una playa que está a varios kilómetros de allí, es un pueblo bastante pequeño, se llama Puerto Píritu, donde el sol es bastante intenso, pues la vegetación de allí es árida, pero esa es otra historia que les contaré en otro momento.
Espero que les haya gustado esta historia que con gusto les escribí para ustedes. Me despido, no sin antes agradecerles por tomar parte de su valioso tiempo para visitar mi blog y apoyarme. Y como dice el dicho: “Hagan el bien, sin mirar a quién”.
Contenido de la creación original:
❤️ Todas las fotos son mías, tomadas y editadas con mi teléfono Alcatel.
💜 Las imágenes del divisor fueron tomadas de glitter-graphics.com.
💚 La traducción al inglés se hizo con la ayuda de deepl.com/
🧡 Las letras que indican los idiomas fueron tomadas de es.bloggif.com/
Sending you an Ecency vote

Thank you for your support and visit to my blog. Regards.
Don't know anything about these places but places of worship are really very peaceful and spiritual. This wallless place will make you feel connected to nature while meditating on the Lord. 😊🙏
It is really peaceful, especially when the vegetation is quite green and the flowers are displayed for all to contemplate. The smell given off by the flowers makes the atmosphere more pleasant and spiritual. Thanks for your support and visit to my blog. Greetings.
I can imagine the fragrance in the atmosphere! :)