That jelly fish is huge but I'm dead scared of the blue bottles, got stung once and never again; it stings like hell, no other word describes it better!
So glad to see the Jacky Hammer, we were just talking about it yesterday and I didn't know what they looked like. We had a bird dive bombing into the crotons where all the smaller birds usually sit and wait for us to feed them, and they made such a racket that we wondered if it wasn't one of them but it can't be as this was a larger bird, probably the black starlings as they can be quite nasty!
Where did you get these cool Hive/SA page breaks? Love them!
Lovely J post @joanstewart, you should have featured your name here as well;);)
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More haste less speed I did have my name and all the names of my female dogs started with "J" somehow I omitted putting the post up correctly and they got lost by the wayside, so perhaps it was meant to be.
Mixed and matched the page breaks myself in GIMP from logo's and banners on offer on hive, you welcome to use them as well,