One night on Santa Fe Street, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, I took this photo with my Galaxy A52. I really like taking photos of mannequins in shop windows, I see them as silent witnesses of our own existence. I was at this bus stop waiting for the bus that would take me home.
Una noche en la calle Santa Fe, en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, tomé esta foto con mi Galaxy A52. Me gusta mucho tomar fotos de los maniquíes en los escaparates, los veo como testigos mudos de nuestra propia existencia. Estaba en esta parada de autobús esperando el ómnibus que me llevaría a casa.
And I liked the idea of taking night photos in the city, with people passing by. The same place, within a few seconds' interval, was filled with passers-by coming and going. That transformed the space into another space. I stopped right in front of a sportswear shop window displaying its merchandise with two cute mannequins. As it was night, the shop was closed and there were no people shopping.
Y me gustó la idea de tomar fotos nocturnas en la ciudad, con la gente que transitaba por allí. El mismo lugar, con un intervalo de pocos segundos, se veía habitado por transeúntes que iban y venían. Eso transformaba el espacio en otro espacio. Me paré justo frente a un escaparate de ropa deportiva que exhibía su mercancía con dos coquetos maniquíes. Como era de noche, el local estaba cerrado y no había gente comprando.
The place was immediately transformed by the pedestrians passing by. Everyone walked quickly, without paying attention to the window, more concerned with getting home than admiring the clothes in the window. I was struck by the contrast between the motionless mannequins and the hurried passers-by.
De inmediato, el lugar se vio transformado por los peatones que transitaban por allí. Todos caminaban rápidamente, sin reparar en el escaparate, más ocupados en llegar a sus hogares que en admirar la ropa del escaparate. Me llama la atención el contraste entre los maniquíes inmóviles y los apresurados transeúntes.
I walked a few meters to the entrance of the subway, which we call Subte here. It is the entrance to line D, which runs under Santa Fe Avenue. There is a women's clothing store with three very elegant, but faceless, mannequins.
Me desplacé unos metros hasta la entrada del metro, que aquí llamamos Subte. Es la entrada de la línea D, que recorre por debajo de la Avenida Santa Fe. Allí hay un local de ropa femenina con tres maniquíes muy elegantes, pero sin rostro.
A few minutes later, these two people appeared. They seemed to be saying something important to each other; they looked into each other's eyes, stopped, and spoke seriously. What were they saying to each other? Were they saying goodbye until the next day? Who could they be? Maybe... What do you think?
A los pocos minutos, aparecieron estas dos personas. Parecen estar diciéndose algo importante; se miran a los ojos, se detienen y se hablan con seriedad. ¿Qué se dirían? ¿Se estarían despidiendo hasta el día siguiente? ¿Quiénes serán? Quizás... ¿A ustedes qué se les ocurre?
Witnesses of our own existence. Wow!
The shop was closed but there are two girls looking at you.
You had a great time at the bus stop. Nice photography! :)
Thank you very much for your words!
The photos came out extraordinary, and the subtle looks great, I also captured a lot of cute photos with my cellphone in the night, maybe, you should check mine out as well, happy new week, friend.
Thank you very much for your words!
You are welcome.