my journey to the Alphabet Land (day B)

in Feel Good5 years ago (edited)

Happily was preparing my stuff for the next round of the Alphabet challenge by @barbara-orenya... and as usual, half of it were the last-minute decisions :))) well, on the other hand, I enjoyed all the process, and its a good thing to have what to choose from.

B - Buds / Bloom


Maple's blooming buds. (This one look like Bagels to me). Buds were the 1st thing to come to my mind. Well, the blooming is all around and I was shooting the chestnut buds quite recently, maybe that helped.

The one below is not a maple, I dunno really what plant it is; probably some decorative green hedge bush. But I love how it turned out.


B - Backpack

This charming Yoda is a backpack! I had this nice encounter last summer during my little steemit meeting with my friend @madlenfox. The girl with this backpack was pretty proud with it and happily agreed to pose -- isnt it nice? It definitely makes her feel better, and all the witnesses on the way, too.

Anyway... backpack in some way is a representation of your inner world, at least that is true for some persons. And sometimes its such a fun to examine the collections of things that different persons use to borrow on a daily basis! Your daily survival kit, everything you need to deal successfully with what reality has prepared for you. "Omnia mea mecum porto", as the Latin proverb states it (if my memory doesnt fail me).

B - Beer

Maybe I would not include this (beer is not one of my fave things in life that make me feel good) if not this certain picture I've stumbled upon in my archives. Beer definitely makes some persons Feel Better!

B - Bakery

Bakery is a great occupation. Making bread with your own hands, using the classic yeast-based technology developed by our ancestors gives a great sense of pride, belonging, strength, fulfillness... you name it. Whoever did it himself, understands that.


B - Birch Bark


А вы знаете, что береста - это больше, чем просто кора дерева? Конечно, там где березы не растут, память предков навряд ли сохранила эти сведения. Это ценный натуральный ресурс, наши предки находили ему немало способов применения. Во-первый, это идеальный материал для растопки костра! Если вы оказались в мокром лесу, у вас нет килограмма спичек и сухих газет для 77 попыток, то береста - ваш выбор! Даже мокрая, она будет замечательно гореть. (Мой дедушка научил меня этому). Во-вторых, это прекрасный возобновляемый эко матерьял для изготовления лукошек, и прочих поделок.
In Russian it is named 'beresta', i.e. starting with letter B again. Do you know that birch bark is much more than just a tree bark? Of course, the memory of ancestors hardly preserved this information at the areas where birch trees do not grow. This is a valuable natural resource, wide-spread in Russia, and our ancestors found many ways to use it. 1stly, its an ideal material for kindling a campfire! If you find yourself in a wet forest, you do not have a kilogram of matches and dry newspapers for 77 attempts ... then birch bark is your choice! It will burn remarkably even being wet. (My grandfather taught me this). 2ndly, it is a wonderful renewable eco-friendly material for the manufacture of trays, and other peasant mini-crafts.
И не в последнюю очередь: береста -- это старинный русский пергамент! Археологические находки показывают, что уровень грамотности был весьма высок, археологи находили в Новгороде и Пскове огромное количество грамот, написанных на бересте в 15 веке! К счастью, она отлично сохранилась в земле.
And the last but not the least. Birch bark is an ancient Russian parchment analogue! Archaeological finds show that our ancestors used to write a lot of everyday messages, the literacy rate was very high. A huge number of letters written on birch bark, were found at archaeologist sites in Novgorod and Pskov of the 15th century! Fortunately, the birch bark is perfectly preserved in the ground.


Когда мы спилили на нашем участке две старые березы, я подумал что неплохо бы передать это знание моей детке. На картинке вы видите, что детка одобрила старинные технологии. Ей так понравилось, что мне пришлось заготовить запас бересты на будущее.
When we sawed off two old birch trees at our countryhouse place, I thought it would be a good idea to pass this knowledge on to my baby. At the pic above you see the result -- she tried out this old technology (tho she used a modern pen instead of a stylus) and had so much fun, that I had to procure a supply of birch bark for the future!

B - Brainy (Morel)

And the last one... I did searched online for some tips about 'positive things starting with letter B" -- I've got a list... and found this promising entry there: BRAINY! Probably, must be a good thing, no? And this morel definitely looks brainy. (I could not but mention that I discovered it during my boat travel to Ladoga skerries, which was one of my best and most memorable travels, and finding a mushroom hidden so well is always a little triumph).

If you are curious, here are some other words that came to my mind, were illustrated with images, but finally were omitted and lost their position to more successful rivals:

Bas-relief / Bicycle / Borderline / Butterfly / Bar

Those are all good things... but one cannot fit unfittable, right?
Как говорил мой старый наставник-редактор: "Нельзя впихнуть невпихуемое!"

Hope you enjoyed travelling with me. Come back the other week, and - join the fun!



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Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz:

Revolution! Revolution!

Cool story and pictures.

Beautiful selection, as expected 😃 I love the yoda backpack !
What did happen in this bakery ? Looks like the vendors in the background are not very happy ! 😊
The brainy morel made me smile : and you thought my big wheel was quite joker 😉 😁

nothing, nothing have happened in the bakery, I swear! it’s just that the rolls were very fresh, they smelled madly of sesame seeds and excited such an animal appetite

as for the wheel: idk how it is in other languages... to my ear, the name sounds as wheel, i.e. starting from letter W, doesnt matter if it is a big wheel or a little wheel. simply as that! :)

I'm glad I was able to slip in such a joyous fungi this round, but not the obvious Boleto. the champignons for next week are obvious candidacy... but lets see.

I enjoyed reading about your selected photos, interesting story about the birch bark. The backpack is awesome, 😀

my pleasure. and, looking forward to more complex letter cases, hehe

A great selection of B words! A morel for Brainy is clever and you are right, boredom would have been a good one to include! 😁

These are awesome picks and photos @qwerrie!! Bakery photo was funny and I'm glad you chose birch was on my list but the bunny on a bicycle won out over the bark 😊

oh. sweet!! (that bark was on your list :)

весёлый конкурс, однако, надо подбирать слова на буквы, для меня в этом основная трудность)))
Весёлые фоты получились))
Cheers and

да ладно, это не так сложно. забить в гугл, и выбирать все знакомое-доступное. я стараюсь, для хозяйки, выбирать "хорошее-позитивное". это капельку уже ограничивает, но и делает все увлекательнее. так, было бы уже совсем..... одинаковое как у всех.

Таки да, Feel Good :-))

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