Season Hunt challenge for fruits (15 foto)
I continue participating in #SeasonHuntthis week post -- the prompt was 'Fall Fruits'. We were also allowed to borrow fruits from the stores, so I was thinking about borrowing some pomegranates from a grocery and explore their A+++ beauty. challenge by @barbara-orenya. For more details check
My previous rounds posts: Pumpkins | Leaves | Mushrooms
But an accidental coincidence (or maybe not accidental ... everything comes by itself to the one who waits, the world is formed by the power of our thoughts , etc) - led to this surprising and completely unexpected photo session. Just yesterday -- I told Barbara that we harvested our apples by the end of August, and have not visited our summer house since then - and today I have arrived here, and standing with a camera and taking new photos , especially for this challenge. (Actually it happened on Saturday, not today ... I just put it figuratively). And you may check some photos that I already shared in this Sunday blog. Count that as an extra background to the story.
Сначала я собирался пофоткать гранаты или хурму из магазина. Самые что ни на есть осенние фрукты. Но случайное совпадение (а может и не случайное... все приходит само к тому кто ждет, мир создается силой мысли etc) -- привело к неожиданной фотосессии. Только вчера я говорил Барбаре, что урожай наших яблок мы собрали в августе, и с тех пор на даче не были - а сегодня именно что стою с камерой и фоткаю. Правда, это случилось не сегодня а в субботу, но это не важно, я просто выразился образно. И часть карточек уже опубликовал в моем воскресном посте. Часть первая - см. здесь.
A fantastic picture greeted me - bare trees without a single leaf, decorated only with lichen - and apples, which can rightfully be called not autumn, but winter!
Фантастическая картинка встретила меня - голые деревья без единого листочка, украшенные только лишайником - и яблоками, которые уже с полным правом можно назвать не осенними, а зимними!
There was no snow in the city, and 50 kilometers away from it the fields and the forest were already covered with a thin white film of snow... apparently it fell just a couple of hours ago.
В городе снега не было, а в 50 километрах от него поля и лес уже покрывала тонкая белая пленочка снега, выпавшего видимо всего пару часов назад.
There was very little amount of snow, it covered the ground and wilted grass in uneven spots, and was already beginning to melt. But it was enough to make an ordinary picture with grass and apples falling on the ground very unusual, eye-catching, attractive ... really magical.
Снега было совсем немного, он покрывал землю и увядшую траву неравномерными пятнами и уже начинал таять. Но его было достаточно, чтобы обычную картину сделать необычной, цепляющtй взгляд, привлекательной... магической.
By this time, you might already have legitimate questions ... that we did not give a damn about our harvest, and threw the apples to lie where they fell from the tree. This is not true! We have two apple trees growing in our garden, and two more apple trees of our neighbors grow nearby (this is actually an abandoned area, which I also take care of a little - I mow the grass, prune the lush willow jungle, and so on ... including collecting a small part apples). During August, I cleared the ground from falling apples from time to time, here is a proof-pic:
К этому моменту у вас уже могли возникнуть законные вопросы... что мы наплевали на наш урожай, и бросили яблоки лежать там, где они упали с дерева. Это не так! У нас в саду растут две яблони, и рядом растут еще две яблони наших соседей (это фактически брошенный участок, за которым я тоже немного ухаживаю - скашиваю траву, подрезаю буйно растущие ивовые джунгли, и так далее... в том числе собираем небольшую часть яблок ). В течение августа я время от времени очищал землю от падающих яблок, вот вам фото подтверждение:
But this year turned out to be extraordinary, extremely fruitful for apples. There were so many apples that it was impossible to collect everything. Some were sent directly to the compost pit (see photo below),-- those were impossible to keep for long.
Но этот год оказался необычайно, исключительно урожайным для яблок. Яблок выросло так много, что собрать все оказалось невозможно. Часть отправлялась сразу в компостную яму (смотри фото ниже),
We managed to process a small part - we made a supply of dried apples for the winter, a solid size package. (We do not have our own gadget, we borrowed it from our neighbors for a while). At the end of the village season, we collected and moved to our city flat ten sacks of apples! And the rest ... heh, we were planning to come back and shake our apple trees one more time, but every time something stopped us: a lack of time, urgent matters, the arrival of old friends from another city, sudden illness ... in two months we have never been able to escape the city. And this time, we had to come for a sad business and it was not picking apples at all...
Небольшую часть мы успели переработать -- сделали запас сушеных яблок на зиму, пакет солидных размеров... (Своего гаджета у нас нет, мы брали его у соседей). Заканчивая сезон, мы собрали и увезли в город 10 мешков с яблоками! А остальное... хех, мы собирались приехать и потрясти наши яблони еще разок, но всякий раз нас останавливали: нехватка времени, срочные дела, приезд в гости старых знакомых из другого города, болезнь... мы ни разу не смогли сбежать из города и проверить наш летний домик. А в этот раз, приехать пришлось категорически, но совсем не за яблоками...
Apple horror in lowkey.
So do not think, looking at these photos, that we are such bad gardeners who do not appreciate the gifts of nature. By the way, exactly the same case was visible behind many fences in the village: there were apple trees standing without leaves, strewn with unpicked apples. We were not alone here.
Так что не подумайте, глядя на эти россыпи, что мы совсем уж плохие огородники, которые не ценят дары природы. Кстати, точно такая же ерунда видна за многими заборами: стоят яблони без листьев, усыпанные несобранными яблоками. Мы не одни такие.
Many gardeners were forced to throw their apples - sometimes in a compost heap, sometimes in a nearby ditch with water ... some carried bags of apples away from their vegetable garden, into the forest.
Многие огородники вынуждены были выбрасывать свои яблоки - иногда в компостную кучу, иногда в соседнюю канаву с водой... некоторые выносили пакеты с яблоками подальше от своего огорода, в лес.
The lonely last fruits on the branches looked less picturesque than apples covered with snow, which I wanted to photograph endlessly, without stopping. But something curious was also found on the branches. Look!
Одинокие последние фрукты на ветках выглядели менее живописно, чем яблоки укрытые снегом, которые хотелось фотографировать бесконечно, не останавливаясь. Но на ветвях тоже обнаружилось кое-что любопытное.
Several apples cracked and even more -- turned inside out! I think that not only the frost should be blamed for this, but also the birds that pecked apples, feasting on this sugar treat. We have a lot of magpies and blackbirds on the site, I think first of all that this is the work of blackbirds.
Несколько яблок растрескались и даже больше, вывернулись наизнанку! Я думаю что в этом стоит обвинять не только мороз, но и птиц, которые клевали яблоки, лакомясь этим сахарным угощением. У нас на участке много сорок и дроздов, я думаю в первую очередь, что это работа дроздов.
I managed to photograph also chokeberry and several mushrooms... Yes, yes, don't be surprised: mushrooms were found too! And then the third battery ran out (of the three that I took with me), and I stopped taking pictures, just looked with my eyes and made a promise to myself that as soon as I returned to the city I would definitely buy a new fresh battery for my camera. Of course, I didn't buy it ... you can continue to procrastinate with this, but in winter I won't be able to take a lot of photos every day. Perhaps this is for the best: the space on my portable 1TB hard drive is also running out, I need to buy a new one ... I'd rather take fewer photos for a while, but they will be of better quality!
Я успел сфотографировать еще ягоды черноплодной рябины, и несколько грибов. Дада, не удивляйтесь: грибы тоже нашлись! А потом разредилась третья батарейка (из трех, которые я взял с собой), и я перестал фотографировать, только смотрел глазами и давал себе обещание, что как только вернусь в город - обязательно куплю новую свежую батарейку для моей камеры. Конечно, не купил... можно прокрастинировать с этим и дальше, но зимой много фотографий каждый день я сделать не смогу. Возможно, это и к лучшему: место на моем переносном 1Тб винчестере тоже заканчивается, нужно покупать новый... лучше я некоторое время буду делать меньше фотографий, зато они будут лучшего качества!
Now its time to part our ways. One cannot fit the unfittable. See you in my further posts!
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It's snowing already. How cold.
These photos look nice too.
What a lovely great place and pictures. And so many natural yummi apples. Did you try to make juice out of them? This would be something to deal with too many apples. At least when they stay on the floor or in compost they give something back to earth and nature too
Also thank you for visiting my posting ☺
The figs growing in the northern Land wouldnt be easy youre right. Styria akso has cokd winter but fir sure our climatic is more smooth than yours?
Maybe with a little protection around it to N S and W side and a lot of leaves around the ground 🤔 but am not sure it would work.
nice to meet you ☺
nice to meet you too!
no, we did not make juice. that would be a good way to utilize apples, agree, but I dont own a car, and moving sufficient excessive weight to our city flat would be a hard problem..
I've read recently that figs are being grown artificially by the gardeners at the north of Britain, and it is the most north point of their areal, but I live even more far to the north, close to Finland, hehe. so it would be no-go here really. for me this tree is associated with the generous southern nature !
there are a few photographers from Serbia and Poland here at Hive, and I always feel amazed - looking at their posts - how much the nature is more splendid, in terms of biodivercity, in their area, than what we have here.
let me treat you with !PIZZA, and we also have a !BEER in the Hive as well, did you know that? :=)
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Жалко яблочки
Удачи в конкурсе!
Черноплодная рябина, облепиха и часть яблок у нас тоже в этом году осталась под зиму. Причина та же-не хватило времени и рук всё прибрать. Но это тоже рационально: птицам будет подкормка в морозные дни. А снимки с увяданием прекрасны, естественный процесс обладает своей эстетикой, она тоже не хуже цветения.
так и есть, согласен. причем одним людям ближе одна эстетика, другим - другая.
That's what I was hoping to find - a few apples still hanging on the tree, but none, not a single one was to see, wherever I have looked on my way to the walk yesterday.
You have found so many fall fruits, my friend, and I love all ... except the horror apple 😱
!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)
well thats plausible! thats why I did not put it on the cover of my post :)))))
btw, isnt that the sort of an apple you wanted to find? hehe.
when apples drop to the ground, they dont stay forever nice and shiny and intact :)))
oh, and thanks for a dinner back. in case you want some extra, here is more
bon appetit! ( sorry, I dont know how it should sound in German.)
You're most welcome, my friend 😁
The horror apple is really horror, but the rest is cool, especially I like the snow and the frost which we haven't had yet, but it should snow tomorrow or on Saturday, says the weatherman.
Thanks for the !BEER and for the !PIZZA - Guten Appetit 😉
@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
Wow, I've never seen this lot of apples, besides where we don't have apple plants.
but you have more intresting things, southern nature is splendid and luxurious! fungi, insects, butterflies... coral reefs, mangrow forests! etc etc etc. if i was in your shoes, I would not feel upset that there are no apple trees around :P
glad you enjoyed the visuals.
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Hey @jasonmunapasee, here is a little bit of from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Yum frozen apple sauce. I suppose the really rotten ones could be used to make apple jack fermented cider.
of course it is possible! not sure that the 'blackened' ones are worth anything than a dung pile, but others, that have brown spots and not intact - they would be a proper source / raw material for cider...
But I admit with clear heart, that we are not really homesteading, just came there for a few summer months (sadly. it is not that much!), and living off the land would be fantastic, but there are too much 'no' in the situation. we have our routs stuck in the metropolis.
this summer I visited my family just on weekends, a few times... 4 or 5 times only. and I did what I could, on these visits - basically digging under a few flower beds, and stacking stone curbs ... yeah, and picking bad apples for compost. there is always more work than time to complete it!
!PIZZA for you, my friend.
Yeah the metropolis is where all the jobs are at, though if I had my way I would be out in the country most of the time and only take vacations to the metropolis 4 or 5 times a year.
I would do the same, at least for the Summer-Autumn season! But the winter... winter is definitely no-go for me. Spring is questionable, a grey zone. Our spring can be very harsh, very much like Winter, haha! no crocuses and magnolias in bloom, not even in May...
Haha yeah winter is barely better over here, it finally ends at the start of April here. But all the good mushrooms are way up in Wisconsin where it is basically the same season as you have.
that is where @melinda010100 lives, right? I wonder why she doesnt take mushrooms pictures. maybe she is just not a forest-goer type ?..
She doesn't live quite far enough up in Wisconsin, you have to go all the way up to the northwoods for the fungi paradise Still its not quite as high up as where you are. Probably would feel like mild weather to you in the winter there.
I had a bunch of mushrooms pop up this fall but since I couldn't identify a single one I always hesitate to post them! You guys are such mushroom professionals!
Классный репортажец забубенил!!!!
Гран мерси! есть что то такое в этом первом снеге. первый - он всегда... эдакий.