Season Hunt for Ice and Frost (15 fotos)

in Feel Good3 years ago (edited)


My post goes for #SeasonHunt'Frosty--Icy' -- again, a good prompt except of it is two gigantic fields at once!
2021 | 2022: warm outfit | frosty-icy challenge by @barbara-orenya. The week theme was my previous #seasonhunt posts for

Frosty? Snowy? No doubts about that!


This one I called 'Cold storage'. And I confess: it was totally staged :P


Kidz discovered some ice suitable for sliding and getting from it tremendous fun. This one I am adding right from the start, so that you do not forget about one of our important rules - Feel Good!

And now, a notice to the Public. There would be a solid amount of water and melting ice in this post (its Global warming to blame, not me!) Jokes aside: it was still frosty, more than enough. Believe me, my fingers and legs almost came off while making these captures.



Icy paddles. Very icy! This is how the spring coming looks like at St.Petersburg... and sometimes it is no difference to the winter.


It was a very fun occasional photo shoot one day back in March, 2021 (I was picking up my babygirl home from school). See, we bought her this great waterproof boots, and as you can see in the photos, she has been intensively testing her new posession. They didn’t let in the water at all, thats a fact!

Это была очень веселая фотосессия, во время одного из мартовских дней (назад в 2021 году), когда я забирал ребенка из школы домой. Мы купили ей отличные водонепроницаемые сапоги, и как вы видите на фото, детка усиленно протестировала это их свойство. Воду они не пропустили от слова совсем, факт!


Not so long ago, just a couple of days ago, I had a conversation with another Hivean on the subject "why sharing photos of your kidz in the social media is a bad idea." DYOR! So I gave it a little time investigating. And it turns out, such misconceptions are elaborated and argued in great detail. One of the provisions is that if the photographs show what the child is fond of, then it easily can be lured with this prompt to go somewhere ... with a stranger.

Do not share pictures of your kid with a chocolate bar, with a soccer ball, with a pizza, with a guitar (she's fond of music!), with headphones (she's fond of music!), with a piano (she's fond of music!) ... etc. Don't you think this is slightly idiotic? .. Your task is to teach your child the safety rules of our not the safest ... no, I better say -- in our crazy world. And one of them is 'No talking to strangers on the street'. And such situation should be learned as ABC.

Ofc this issue has other aspects, including the legal one, which is especially important. I look forward to a good discussion in the comments.

Не так давно, буквально пару дней назад, я имел беседу с другим хивеанцем, на тему "почему выкладывать фотографии детей в интернет - плохо". Подобные заблуждения, оказывается, очень подробно разработаны и аргументированы! Одно из положений заключается в том, что если по фотографиям видно чем увлекается ребенок, то его легко завлечь куда-нибудь пройти... с незнакомым человеком.

Не фотографируйте вашего ребенка с шоколадкой, с футбольным мячом, с пиццей, с гитарой (любит музыку!), с наушниками (любит музыку!), с пианино (любит музыку!)... вам не кажется, что это идиотизм?.. Ваша задача - научить своего ребенка правилам безопасности в нашем не самом безопасном... да нет, прямо скажу: безумном мире. И одно из них - не разговаривать с незнакомцами на улице. И подобная ситуация должна быть выучена как дважды два.


Fishing! (for a piece of ice ))))

Can your kid be photographed with an ice, than? I wonder what they will try to lure him with, then.


I took a photo of a pure ice - without a human there is not much left there, isnt so intresting.



And now - voyla! -- I looked up into my other folder, and totally changed the course/ conception/you name it. Part two would be a different hunt. Are you in the know, that everything looks better with a #googlyeyes? Especially the ice that started its melting. You'll find some proof pics below.


This creature I found hiding at a downpipe. She is so shy!




Feel free to upvote and give a shout if you enjoyed these -- I have much more to share. That was a splendid session with a pair of eyes and the melting ice of the spring. Wish you a warm spring to come soon, see you next time!


All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
My posts at
Thanks for visiting my blog!



Haha very funny @qwerrie!! I really like the last one! It's like it's saying "Oh no I am growing a mouth! That means I am starting to melt"! Poor little thing! Btw please don't tell him that I used his uncle for a drink! 😓 😜 Cool post!

I used his uncle for a drink!

hahaha! that was very cool of you to put it like that.
i could not communicate with him anyway -- the shot was taken a year ago :D



Hehe, thank you! I like making jokes and making people laugh! It's kinda my hobby! My Papa says that I am the comedian of the family! Surf ya' later!

There has already been too much ENGAGE today.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 92 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Such a fun photographs, like the first one.

Фотосессия прямо огонь 🔥
Загнал ребёнка в лужу и со всех сторон ее shooting 😂😂😂

а вот и враки! это она меня загнала. чуть ноги не оледенели-отвалились! у меня то таких сапог не было, да еще и фоткать приходилось без перчаток. но согласен, что выглядит заманчиво. самому нравится, даже несмотря на то что лица не видно и нет 'eye contact' - и без него cvjnhbncz супер.

!BEER тебе с утреца )))))

BEERHey @apnigrich, here is a little bit of from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

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В детстве тоже постоянно лёд ногами топтала, было так увлекательно наблюдать как он хрустит!

и проваливаться в лужу до колена :)

...теперь это стало возможно благодаря нашим волшебным нано-сапогам! хотя.... не, лужа глубиной по колено -- все таки будет перебор, хыхы

Я один раз провалилась поздней осенью)

Great post, my friend, lots of snow and ice and frost and water that was ice before 😀
I love the googlyeyes 😁

No discussion here, @qwerrie, because I do not share any photos of my kids, at least none where they are recognizable. And my kids have learned from the beginning that strangers are enemies - the nicer they are the worse they might be.

!BEER and !WINE - both make a nice dinner with !PIZZA :)

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those are some awesome awesome googlies right there... I adore the last one specifically!

And the whole post spreads such a great vibe! Cheers to you and yours!

TNX for your compliment a lot!!!!! 🤸‍♀️ I agree with you, actually, and love them a lot too. (Probably I should do one more same session this March or April). And, I feel ashamed that I still haven't shared them (this was just a small part of all my findings), hoarded for almost a year! I'm a snail, Fraenk... anyway - now they have matured 🧠 and became more valuable, right?

krkrkr, well... I'm even more of a snail ;)

better late than never, though!

(thats my secret motto, haha.) wish you well!

So cool, the thing I really want is to put my feet on the snow 😊

Hopefully someday I can go there, I hope. . .