I deeply understand that how much difficulties he has to faced now in cleaning all this smoke and I think he should be grateful because there was no life loss.
Wealth could be restored but life can't.
These festivals have only valued if You are alive and that's great You have.
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It must have been terrifying, but you are right. It could have been so much worse.
Yes, I am grateful to be alive, but now my property is in ruin, and financially I do not have the capacity to repair the damage, my financial situation does not allow it, I am so poor that the few resources I obtain I can only invest in food and pay for basic services, now all these repairs such as cleaning the walls require the purchase of detergents, degreasers and cleaning materials that are far from my purchasing power to acquire, not to mention that after removing all those stains I have to paint the walls and roof, so that costs more additional money spent on paint and brushes,so now I have to live in an environment full of soot, and that is my new anguish...I'm still alive yes, but I'm going to get sick if I can't clean this up.
And these products are expensive, I require several gallons of degreaser, a few kilos of detergent, and many rags, sponges to wash, etc., all of this costs a lot of money, and I don't have it.
But I am grateful to be alive...