Now You See Me... Now You Dont... πŸ€”

in Feel Good β€’ 2 days ago

Now You See Me... Now You Dont... Again!

I have loved the last few days of being back in the Hive 🐝 I really have.

Writing, commenting and catching up with friends I have made over the last 7 years and obviously 5 years as Hive proper.

For once I don't want to tell you how I am going to be around more, keeping myself accountable and blahblahblah... I have done that far too many times before, even I am sick of hearing it so I will try and avoid reverting to type.

OLD PIC - Wow, I used to look better than I thought, probably a lesson there!

Instead I would rather just do it and begin to be judged on my actions, rather than my far too many words. Even though ,as we all know, the only true person who ever judges us is our own internal critic, which is probably, just as it should be.

So that is the grand plan, barring any unfortunate catastrophe, (there have been way too many of those already, my luck has gotta be on the upturn again).


No no no Dear reader, don't give up on me already. Hear me out.

I am going to be AWOL again till the end of the week, totally absent, complete radio silence, incommunicado... Alright Steven, we get the bloody point, you're not around!!!

M'lady and I are getting away for a few days, to celebrate exiting (hopefully, for good!) a very dark period of life. I gotta be honest, I am a little exhausted just thinking about it as I am still a little slow when it comes to walking and tire easily although I am easily 100 times better than this time last year and 10 times better than even a couple of months ago.

like I say, hopefully the drama has passed, that would be bloody lovely and very, very welcome.

I am certainly not up to flights, airports or any of that kind of stress yet but the chance to get away from the mundane for a few days will be incredibly welcome.

More importantly, it will be amazing for m'lady to have a little light hearted fun and breathe out and de-stress as she has had to carry the workload for both of us for quite some time and even though I feel incredibly guilty saying it, she will be doing this for a little while yet, until I am able to ease back in to working again.

I have some thoughts and plans for lighter roles I could take on as my old job was far too manual for 'new me' and I certainly couldn't manage 12 hour shifts again and definitely not the night shifts.

Our trip will mark the start of a new, exciting, period of life for us and is a symbolic shaking off of the negativity and celebrates some personal milestones that maybe I will talk about another day.

I'm sure I will write a post about it upon return and will not give away the destination, right now, suffice to say, there will be more than a few klompschoen, occasional Stroop waffles and windmills surrounded by tulips overlooking canals 😁 🌷

Gotta be honest, it feels a little momentum stealing, being away from my trusty PC for so many days when I have just bedded back in and blew the dust from my poor, underworked, soon to be overworked keyboard.

As a 52 year old, utter technophobe, I never worked out how to post from my phone and to be honest I wouldn't really be able to see much of the text on that small a screen anyway, my eyes ain't that good. It's not 'just' an age thing, I have always had poor vision and a double astigmatism, one eye lens is concave, the other convex, me focussing is like constantly trying to focus binoculars while both lens's pull in opposite directions... It's a bloody good job I am hot, right? 😁

So, until I return, try and be good and don't do anything I wouldn't do... Yup, I know that doesn't really narrow it down as much as I had hoped!

Speaking of which, if we venture that far afield, I must try and avoid the glowing red lights in the evening... 🀣

Thank YOU for taking the time to read my post and if you're one of those amazing people who like to hit the comments section... Then I doubly thank YOU!

Either way I want you to know that you are appreciated!

Keep taking the time to connect with each-other both here and in the 'so-called' real world and try and look after each-other, because as you already know...

Together We're Just Better.png


who, I am certain would be delighted with a witness vote or 2!I am an incredibly proud member of #TeamUK I love the global community immensely, but it is nice to have a home-team banner to add to my posts. The banner was made by the inimitable RoastMaster General himself @c0ff33a

If you are an active UK member and would like to be added to the teamUK community on Discord, just let me know 😎

Most designs/photos are my own or created in Canva.

Sort: Β 

Not sure if you are visiting Denmark or the Netherlands. I always get those two countries confused.

Anyway enjoy your vacation!

Greetings @stevenwood ,

Bon Voyage......did you say Tulips?....Enjoy the moment!

Kind Regards to you and your good lady,


Any holiday that includes tulips ha got to be good! Safe travels!

I don't want to tell you how I am going to be around more, keeping myself accountable and blahblahblah... I have done that far too many times before, even I am sick of hearing it so I will try and avoid reverting to type

No offence but thank God. Not just you but other people do it and honestly we could care less. Just be here when you are here and we will be happy.

I'm sorry you've had a rough time of late. Sounds like a holiday will be well needed. Hope you restore and rest πŸ’•πŸ™

Enjoy your time, Nothing beats getting away from stress and breathing some fresh air.

Thank you 😎

Life has been difficult recently, it will be nice to have some time to think and plan in new surroundings.

It's the first time we have met Elias, or should I say víctor, thanks for stopping by. Take good care 😎

You are welcome

Cheers mate have fun! Be careful of the strip searches LOL

We all for sure need a bit of time to unwind! Life is chaotic as hell and there needs to be time for us to get out there and take a breath, relax and enjoy some time with the people we care the most about!

Posting from the phone sucks lmao I did it a week ago when I accidentally locked myself out of my laptop. is the only site that is functional for that type of stuff surprisingly. PeakD and Ecency are too buggy!

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