ujka-vs cross-posted this post in Feel Good 2 years ago

Zimska carolija je pocela " Prvi Sneg" - The winter spell has begun "First Snow"

in BANAT2 years ago


Pozdrav dragi prijatelji. Evo koliko jos sinoc pozeleo sam da zimska carolija pocne, i rano jutros moj grad Vrsac dobio je prve pahulje i prvi sneg.

Hello dear friends. That's how much I wanted last night for the winter magic to begin, and early this morning my town of Vrsac got the first snowflakes and the first snow.





Oooo radosti, snegu se radujem kao malo dete. Sa svojim sinom i drugarima provodimo celu zimu na snegu na našim brdima Vrsackim planinama.

Oh, joy, I look forward to the snow like a little child. With our son and friends, we spend the whole winter in the snow on our hills in the Vrsac Mountains.




Uskoro ce i zimski skolski raspust, pa Bozic pa Nova Godina, kakva je zima bez snega , nikakva. Nadam se da ce jos pasti sneg i to puno puno. Prava zimska carolija tek nas očekuje. Zivela zima ziveo sneg!!!!!

Soon the winter school holidays will come, then Christmas and then New Year, what a winter without snow, nothing. I hope it will still snow and a lot of it. The real winter magic is still waiting for us. Long live winter, long live snow!!!!!



Pozdrav od Ujke- VS

Greetings from Uncle - VS