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RE: Worldbuilding Prompt #229 - The Explorer

in Worldbuilding3 years ago

It's funny I actually had this character I wanted to include in my book who was a kind of historian, who went from place to place with the main characters and picking up information as he did and then I was going to compile all of his notes into a sperate mine book called The History of The Known Galaxy. So, he as a character was going to be an author/ historian.

I haven't included him in it, yet. But, there is still time. I did think though that it was a bit on the nose having a character on their ship who was essentially an exposistion dump for each planet they arrived to, also could get annoying if they constantly slowled things down by stopping the crew to tell them things about each world.

But, I was thinking. Maybe he's not on the ship with them, but one of the characters is a fan of their work and from time to time mentions them. Maybe they could even have a small cameo along the way. Like some kind of book signing. If I was to do that though I'd want to give it some kind of a twist. Like they're really rude or something like that.


That's a super fun idea. I've definitely got characters in my TTRPG setting that are historians and I add the odd excerpt to a long notepad doc when inspiration strikes but they mostly stay there out of my actual game too lol

Yeah that's the same as me I have so many of these interesting tid bits of information written down, which I kind of find hard to add into the story.

Oooh! That sounds interesting!