Currently in WOO the bookers license have been released, this is required to earn rewards when the game releases and the price is currently 5$ instead of 10$ so if you plan on getting it, I would get it before the release of the game.
Also there are still lands for sale, but there is more than 10 Million WOO already burned on land upgrades which seem to tell me that upgrades are going pretty hard since alot of people are spending it. Since its about 66k to upgrade 1 full land, this would mean there are alot of land which could be upgraded to max within a day.
My land will be fully upgraded in 37 hours from now which is awesome since then I will have my land upgraded fully before the release of the game!
So currently iam just hovering the market to buy some cheap nft's and upgrading some of my land but not alot currently since I dont want to have to demolisch most of my building when the game comes out.
Its a balancing act if you ask me, but still it is fun since I expect NFT upgrades to be released soon and also maybe the crates? for the Land promo?
This is not financial advice!