At Hive Creators, we've been tackling various challenges lately to provide top-notch creative services to all the projects and communities we work with. We've adopted the Kanban method to keep us organized and nimble on our feet.
Our process, which we're constantly adapting, is straightforward and consists of the following stages:
Project and task identification:
We identify projects and tasks and add them to our internal Kanban board. We include details, deadlines, and assigned responsibilities.
Task segmentation:
We organize our tasks based on the type of project (events, social media marketing, or graphic design for communities) and work in specific units such as individual projects, campaigns, or weekly design packages.
Resource planning and allocation:
We huddle up with our talented team to discuss each task and assign responsibilities, ensuring everyone, including our graphic designers, is in the loop about the details and expectations.
Graphic design:
Our creative graphic designers grasp the project's objectives and needs, whip up sketches and concepts, and fine-tune the designs based on feedback and project requirements.
Task monitoring and updating:
We keep tabs on task progress, support the team, and communicate any changes in scope, timeline, or resources to all stakeholders.
Task review and closure:
We review the finalized work, including graphic designs, and ensure they meet objectives and expectations. We prepare and attach a report with the results and lessons learned.
Evaluation and continuous improvement:
At Hive Creators, we're all about innovation, so we conduct periodic reviews of our process and foster open and honest communication among team members and stakeholders.
Our current challenge
Offer a public monitoring system so the community can see our ongoing activities. We believe we can achieve this in the following ways:
- For each major work block, like creating branding for a Hive event, we can publish a post on our blog and include the relevant tasks.
- Spruce up our website to showcase our work promptly, and add a section for downloading event-related files so anyone can grab and use them.
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