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RE: Securing the Hive: How We Claimed the 'hiveblockchain' Handle on Twitter

in Hive Creators • last year

I found the Twitter account of this guy, and I saw that he had the @HIVEBlockchain handle in his description. So I clicked it. Surprisingly, I saw a message that the account did not exist. So, I created an account with that handle, and it was successful.

Lovely! 😀

this Canadian Mining Company changed their name from Hive Blockchain to Hive Digital Technologies a few months ago.

That's amazing news. Less chances that AI will be confused about what Hive blockchain is. To me, this competition and confusion of two Hive blockchains in Google search results was always a depressing spectacle. Good this bad story has ended.


Yeah, honestly, it would have been better if the community or the witnesses came up with a name that was not that common or something that didn't exist at all, like the case with many important brands like Google, Yahoo, Taringa, etc.

But now we have this name, which is awesome, and now we are very fond of.

something that didn't exist at all

Agree. For Hive, its non-unique brand is a wound that always bleeds. At least, now we exclusively have Hive Blockchain, that's a lot.