Wild plants well adapted to the environment in which they grow, usually don't die because of the cold or drought, if the weather isn't really extreme and unexpected. They go through changes, some anatomical parts die, but the plant continues. Some plants live only one year, or one season, produce the seeds and then die. Here in my area, for many plants, the summer is harder than the humid, mild winter that doesn't last long. There are many ways of life and survival strategies among plants.
Wild plants well adapted to the environment in which they grow, usually don't die because of the cold or drought, if the weather isn't really extreme and unexpected. They go through changes, some anatomical parts die, but the plant continues. Some plants live only one year, or one season, produce the seeds and then die. Here in my area, for many plants, the summer is harder than the humid, mild winter that doesn't last long. There are many ways of life and survival strategies among plants.
thanks for the answer, it really makes my mind wider and know about it