{Catch Act 1 Scene 4 Here. All other previous series of Richards Hic Et Ubique Can be found on THIS account.
Once All scenes and acts are posted and done I will post all the scenes into one post for reference.}
I have ment-ion-ed the re|a|sons for my ac|count switch and this is it:
My email:
[email protected].
Currently waiting for transactions to complete. I made a mistake on transaction so, delays and delays... lol
No|t that I have a-lot of "follow-ers" but each one is just ano|ther me with ano|ther face (imo) By that I mean t|hat we all are from the sa|me so|ur|ce.
And we are all ea|ch imp|or|tant.
So I gi|ve thee no|ti|ce
and f|or all to|o see,
in fut|ur|e as we|ll.
I am
from the ocean.
I will
return to her.
[pulled from wiki]
If you will
Shut up
If you are
If you will speach
If you will preach
Have a seat
then get the fuck out
Do wh|at thou-lt wilt.
Wi|lt a|way prec-ious flo|wer
gi|ve ye sel|f to the ear|th
ex|tre|me pre|caus-ion
lis|ten to her deep|ly
pay att-ent-ion
she peaks
I type
She comes
I run
catch me if you can
can of
green joys and wonders.
who|op me not please.
I on|ly aim to dis-please
not mis|lead
lead the mrs
I did
did I?
I did what?
Tru|th tell|er
tru|th seek|er
th|a|nk yo|u
I spe|ak not of wh|at I find.
Some {I will} give
some {I will} keep
to my own he|ad
It ser|ves not
her maj|es|ty
She can ke|ep her pas|t|ry
Kno|ck kno|ck
tic tok
chi|mes bel|ls and wh|at no|ts
tik tik tik
pull back click
ever seen john wick?
wick this ,.|.,
fuck off me
no fucks given
no fucks taken
un|der the
con|cent of the
early readings
could not tell
to|ok a di|ve do|wn a sm|all wish-ing we|ll
deep need not be
it was infinity
now here you be
I pre|sent to thee
A ha|ppy gl|ee
Two mi|nute re|ad but yo|u mi|ght be look-ing back at th|at fo|r ho|urs.
To|days mus|ic for the re|ad|er.... un|de|ci|de|d wh|at to put all day to be ho|nest. and now it just came to me.
[email protected] for those that just want to rant in private, I will read them and no more. want them posted into the public domain that is Hive block chain, i will do so anonymously, and give payout to those that help this decentralized network/plat|form grow. and what better way than to send it to the null account?
what is your thoughts?
shoot me an email or tag me on a post explaining why that is a bad idea. or a good idea.
but im anti-capitalist at heart.
Currently just want HP.... for now... buahuahauha
(we'll see how this goes... O.o).
Any|one know wh|ere the to|il|et is?
It sm|el|ls li|ke Crap-it|al-ism is a|foot.
Jaque Fresco is having no part in it either when he said
This shits got to go.
A play by Richard Head
Print source: Hic et ubique, or, The humors of Dublin a comedy, acted privately, with general applause / written by Richard Head, Gent.
Head, Richard, 1637?-1686?
London: Printed by R.D. for the Author, 1663.
The Prologue.
Our Author wrote this Play, but cannot tell
Whether or no his genius has done well.
Mark well then what hee'l say, and doubtless you
Will swear though't be not quaint, yet most is true.
Heres no Ʋtopian stories, nor such things,
As some men fain, that flye upon the wings
Of fancy only, and include the station
Of their own projects in imagination.
Experience dictates what we have to say,
She being guide, I marvel who can stray.
Hear't out with patience, for we'l all contend
To please you all, and not a Mome offend.
Act 1. Scene 5.
Enter Thrivewell and Bankrupt.
Mr. Bankrupt, you are much mistaken in your o∣pinion of Dublin; by that time you have been here as long as I, you may experimentally know the contrary.
You have good cause to think the best on't, however Sir, as having gotten a good estate in't.
I may thank a good careful Wife for't; though I say't, she's handsom too, and yet I dare say, honest withall. A merry Grig, to give Guests content. When I came over first, I knew not what to have done without her; for, by waiting a great while for a very beneficial employment, which I was pro∣mised by this great man and 'tother, all my money was gone, then cu'd I not stoop to be a Drawer, that was so lately a Ma∣ster, at length my wife had taken a house unknown to me, and I know not how it came to pass, got so much credit as to fur∣nish it befitting lodgers. In a short time all our rooms were fill'd with Gallants; and to accomodate them better, we kept a cup of very good Beer, as also a bottle of Wine. Then cu'd I ride abroad, and stay a month together, yet still the trade went on at home; and such a one it was, that it quickly rais'd me monies to purchase this Tavern I now live in, well furnisht with wine; but fortune's not alike favourable to all, according to that old saying.
Non cuivis homini contingit adire corinthum.
Few women make manifest by their lives, the intents of their creation, that is to be an help to man, and that's it makes me the more admire your wise. I've heard of many that have undone their Husbands, but few that prefers the welfare of 'em, before the indulging of their own luxurious (and often lustfull) appetites. I cu'd wish my own con∣dition did not prompt me to say what I do.
I have a Wife ('twere well, if I never had any) who lives, I fear to be a continual thorn in my side. What I ga∣ther'd she scatter'd; yet durst not reprehend her for't, till 'twas palpably known, she admitted others to her embraces be∣sides my self. Perceiving and fore-seeing my downfall, she hastens it by the taking what cash she cu'd, and left me to be devou∣red by my merciless creditors; had not sudden flight (as I told you) prevented it.
I pitty your condition, and do wish I knew any way that might now be a support unto you, for I assure you this is a place wherein 'tis no easie matter to borrow money, nay, or be trusted long for meat and drink; Provision indeed is cheap, because money is scarce; yet good liquor is dear, 'cause there are so many that will pawn their cloaks, but thei'le have it; and much good may do 'em; for my part I shall ne're fear a scarecity thereof, since ther's almost as many Ale-houses, as good fellowes; to be short, those that live heer, are all old Sol∣diers, and such you know, fight cunningly. 'Tis a great over∣sight me thinks in the English Gentry, in sending their Chil∣dren into forreign parts, to learn wit and manners, whereas it were far more expedient to send 'em hither; for here they may so learn to live, as to live any where: And after seven years aboad in this country, they need never fear being troub∣led with the failing Sickness.
Sir, I doubt your discourse savours more of wit, than truth. But how wu'd you advise me to secure my self from my debts in London? As for protection, by reason of the many a∣buses occasion'd by 'em, they are cald in, I hear.
However fear not: Ther's a great Gulf man betwixt you, and your creditors.
I but these letters of Atorney, I fear 'em more, than the lark does the hobby.
You trouble your self to no purpose.
But is't not usual for such letters to be sent over, the witnesses being sworn in Chancery.
Such a thing may be, but then ther's a remedy; if e're it comes to that, repair to me, and I'le shew you the hole, that I my selfcrept through upon the like account.
You have much eas'd me of my fears. But still I'me in a labrynth of cares, how I shall live, since the currant of my money is but small, and will soon be wasted, without some rivolets of supply. Well, I must pinch this carcass, as much as e're I pamper'd it. O London, London! The very naming thee doth disturb me, and the fixing of my thoughts thereon, almost destracts me.
Indeed Mr. Bankrupt you'r too blame to complain, thus in vain; what can't be cur'd, must be indur'd. Be of good comfort. Dum spiro spero, you see as old as I am; I have not forgot all my latine.
O Sir, your long absence from that famous City, hath made you forget i'ts stately building, pleasant walkes, with a hundred delighting places for pastime; wherein all pleasure is Epitomiz'd and contracted. How oft have I there plung'd over head and ears in all sorts of delight, feasting my senses with those things, that are most suitable to each! But I'le ne're think on those dayes, since I never expect to enjoy the like.
Bravely resolv'd, and to begin, I think you were best to dispose of those fine Cloaths, that saw some of those fine dayes, lest they shu'd put you in mind on 'em again; thei'le you two or three good Bandle suites, with lasting Woolen stockings, which will be much more convenient for this Country weeping weather, you must expect to find here little, other than rany or windy, and the reason is according to some Rabbyes opinions, because the windy God Aeolus, and phlegmatick Luna are in contention, whither the one shall make it his Court, or the other her pispot. The natives yeild sub∣mission to the God, for which the goddess punisht 'em with an hereditary disease, called the fundamental thorow-goe-nim∣ble. I'me sure I have been troubled with it four or five dayes— your pardon—your pardon Sir
(Exit as untrussing)
If his Wife were to look for him now, she might quick∣ly find him out by the scent
End of Scene 5
Se|ar|ch-ing f|or the or|ig|ins of words have sh|ow-n me a new path. It see|ms very in|tri|gu-ing to me act|u|al|ly. At fir|st I ha|t|ed th|em, n|ow I lo|ve th|em. Search-ing for the f|ra|g|me|n|t|ed pi|ec|es. and putting them back together is gi|v|ing me a new way of look|ing at th-ing|s. Over analzying?
Xyz but does not that mean you are the anal here?
I cut and slice your words and apply them to the mirror.
What is being "over"-analyzed?
Yea I over a|nal|yz|e words. Wh|at|ever you say doc. No one is do-ing th|at in the world? other|wise I just f|ound a free mark|et id|ea. What a learn-ing ex|per|ience a|waits. Full on th|rough till I die.
Thank you Dick.
Did you (g)|k|n|ow Dick was in|to oc|cult-ism?
jk I don't really know but I gnow one thing
How free is free? fuck-ing free?
I say to thee
like fuck-ing depree free?
free of the leopard spree?
No more wars and decrees by hidden hands in the degree?