
Hello sir,
I am a new member of Hive. You have down voted my article. Can you tell me what is the reason for it? Therefore, my reputation dropped from 43 to 14. I know that reputation is very important to move forward on the Hive platform. What should I do to remove the down vote?

This account follows many accounts to see who is getting flagged in the hive.
Its vote is very small, you can ignore it.
Just guessing I would say you have repeated your post and that is not allowed.
It is allowed, but you have to decline rewards on any repeats if you don't want to get flagged.
We can be a tough crowd, but if it was easy everybody would be doing it and success here wouldn't be as cool.

Mire buenas noches. Mi publicación fue marcada injustamente por alguien quién se dedica en este plataforma a dar votos negativos a la zar. Entonces usted me dio un voto negativo sin primero averiguar porque tenía yo ese voto? Me parece demasiado injusto, porque eso baja mi reputación y porque no sabe cuánto esfuerzo le pone uno a un artículo.

Las banderas no tienen nada que ver contigo.
Las cantidades en cuestión son muy pequeñas.
Puede ignorarlos.

Tiene razón, discúlpeme. Es que me asuste un poco. De todas formas curiosamente el voto negativo desapareció sin yo entender porque. Y muchas gracias por haber apoyado mi artículo.❤️

you don't like sunsets...?...a downvote without a comment...?

This account follows many accounts to keep tabs on what is being flagged.
It's small enough that you can ignore it.

It seems you are a victim in the flag wars.
The top 20 curation accounts take 50% of what is available to all curators/authors each month and give it to accounts that are willing to engage in the conformity.
The flag you got was likely a protest of that.
You'd have to ask newsflash.

Porque me has dado voto negativo?

The flag was not personal, it had nothing to do with your content.
It came from following the xaccounts on

The top 20 accounts take 50% of the rewards available each day.

Everybody with less than 1000mv should be downvoting what they take, imo.
Following the x accounts makes that easy for non-coders.

The downvote you got is very small, you can ignore it.

Yes, it's a small negative vote, but I put a lot of effort into the post and it's not pleasant 🤷‍♀️ Thank you for your answer

Why you downvote my post about crypto Updates ??

This account follows many flag trails to monitor who is being flagged in the hive.
The downvote is very small.
You can ignore it.

As for why your post was downvoted, ask the first one that flagged it.

very nice pictures my friend

Sir why you downvoted me?

Make original content every time and your flags will go away.

This account follows many other accounts to keep an eye on who is getting downvoted.
The flag is very small, you can ignore it.

IF you want to know more about why you were flagged, ask the other guy.

Ask the other huy he says, like a kindergarten beef between a couple children! 🤌

Have you flagged any abuse?
Do you follow the people that keep spam from taking all the rewards?
You've been here long enough to know your duties as a stakeholder, imo.

And your dutie is to downvote a person's content without even looking? 🐑

The duty of keeping the pool clean of abuse falls to all stakeholders.
If you feel that you have been flagged in error, perhaps you should join the community and find out why.

You got a vote from this account because it follows a large number of accounts that downvote abuse.
Your beef is not with me.
Nor do I think the .001hbd that you were deprived of is worth even this much effort, but here I am.

But telling someone who asks you why you downvoted is part of that deal to keep it clean! Just a weak awensor as ask the other guy, makes you fake a.f. And i don't care about the money, i care about a fair environment where people think for themselves and not act like sheep! If you don't like my contend feel free to downvote, if you just follow what others do, go back to facebook!

Bro - you get downvoted yourself; why do you partake in this witch hunt?


What other guy??


gasing jews ain't ok just someone else does it ;)

I had no clue that flagging back .001hbd from your post's rewards equated to gassing jews.


Maybe you should get a grip on reality and ask @buildawhale about why he has done this to you?