I believe in cryptocurrencies and I also believe in the law of value and the law of cause and effect. Let me explain the difference between currency and value. You can lose the currency, but you cannot lose the value.
Now you have decided to burn my currency without my permission, continuing to downvote my content, my music. This action of yours immediately generates a loss of value and dignity in your own life. You can already see it from the anger and insults swallowed in your mouth in your last post.
We are both learning that perhaps it would be better to live in a world of gratuitousness. A free world, but that takes time and depends only on us. How nice to discover it here and now, are we ready?
This currency, which you call dust, I need to make a living and one day perhaps create my own pension and something for my daughters. I am a musician and making a living from music is not easy, whether you are in a poor or rich country. You are taking away funds against my will. If you continue in this bullying behaviour of yours, I, myself, Lorenzo, as a living man, declare you in disgrace, witness here the people of Hive and Dtube. I get energy compensation, this also becomes an invoice and receipt of payment in energy. Starting here and now.
You cannot burn the dust, the dust you are taking away from me, you will find in your path. This is the only way we can learn that a world in gratuitousness is preferable, but first we have to experience it in our own lives, through this bullying.
In full responsibility, transparency and honour.
(Italian translation)
Credo nelle criptovalute e credo anche nella legge del valore e nella legge di causa-effetto. Lascia che ti spieghi la differenza tra valuta e valore. Si può perdere la valuta, ma non si può perdere il valore.
Adesso hai deciso di bruciare le mie valute senza il mio permesso, continuando a downvotare i miei contenuti, my music. Questa tua azione genera immediatamente una perdita di valore e di dignità nella tua propria vita. Lo si può già vedere dalla rabbia e gli insulti che s'ingoiano nella tua bocca nel tuo ultimo messaggio.
Entrambi stiamo imparando che forse sarebbe meglio vivere in un mondo di gratuità. Un mondo libero, ma questo necessita del tempo e dipende solo da noi. Che bello scoprirlo qui e adesso, siamo pronti?
Questa valuta, che tu chiami polvere, mi serve per vivere e creare un giorno forse una mia pensione e un qualcosa per le mie figlie. Sono un musicista e vivere di musica non è facile, che tu sia in un povero o ricco paese. Tu stai togliendo fondi contro la mia volontà. Se continui in questo tuo comportamento prepotente io, me stesso, Lorenzo, da uomo vivo, ti dichiaro in disonore, testimonia qui il popolo di Hive e Dtube. Ottengo compensazione energetica, questa diventa anche una fattura e ricevuta dell'avvenuto pagamento in energia. A partire da qui e adesso.
Non si può bruciare la polvere, la polvere che stai togliendo a me, la ritroverai sul tuo cammino. Questo è il solo modo che abbiamo per imparare che un mondo in gratuità è preferibile, ma prima dobbiamo farne l'esperienza nella nostra propria vita, attraverso questa prepotenza.
In piena responsabilità, trasparenza e onore.
Get a grip, dude.
.0008hbd is not going to make or break you.
You got bigger problems.
Hey, stop downvoting me! The post you downvoted was made using my own voice. I spoke the entire post and made the text. My friend. That's unfair. Please remove my account from the blacklist. There is no reason to continue doing that. My latest post is 100% original. I should not pay for the rest of my life for a misunderstanding. I'm a proud member of the community and if this continues to happen I will have to leave the ecosystem which is very sad after so many years building my page. Please reconsider e stop downvoting me, that's the earnings I have to eat.
BE HUMAN . I won't cause any further trouble with hivewatchers as I will start from now on only post using my voice. There's nothing more original than that.
I'll be awaiting for your answer and help. Cheers.
This account doesn't originate flags.
Any flags you get from this account are as a result of another account flagging you.
This account's votes are for a dust amount, ignore them.
You would do well to learn who the anti-abuse people are and what they are up to, imo.
I will upvote this comment so that you haven't lost money from being flagged by this account.
Please resolve whatever issues existent with whomever is triggering these flags.
Hello brother
Thank you very much. I have already done so and solved my problems with the above mentioned invoice and receipt, and also decided to stop my dtube/hive synchronisation for the time being so as not to prejudice you.
Everything is now in your hands, you are fully responsible for your actions, and well informed of the consequences. Thank you very much for helping me better understand natural law.
Transparency, truth, integrity, full responsability and accountability
without prejudice, public policy, UCC 1-308