Yeah I'm not too happy about the state of questing at the moment neither, wish they'd gamify it a bit more with options and graphics so it doesn't look like pure dice or something gambly. I guess you gotta remember it's all quite early and only one main developer on the game, but I hope they'll understand this means to let others test and play around with things before releasing them into the wild in the future, especially now with a lot more users actively playing.
I'm sure it can only improve but the main thing to keep in mind here is how the whole economy and everything is player controlled, something #web2 will hate when they realize what web3 games are gonna be about, although I'm sure most early web3's won't be as fair as terra and other games and just act like it to trick players.
Quests felt like playing @magicdice lol.
As you say, I think there is room to make something much better and more interactive. That would bring a lot of value to the game.
And yes, we are still very early, only 4 months if my math is correct. Imagine where we will be in a year from now.
Hopefully with more competition, especially for me, in the meantime I've started leveling up my first alt. xD
I wish, the devs would work together. We have Terracore and Golem Overlord as very similar games.
Rising Star and Stardom.
They could have easily worked together and united a fanbase/consumer base.
The same with a number of communities, which have the same topic. As a content creator, you don't know, where to post and when you post, you have a guilty conscience for not posting in the other communities.
Do you mean that they should make only one community for these type of posts?
Several communities are global. In my case, I published in Terracore community, but if I had written the post in Spanish, I would have posted on NFT Game Latino, a general community for NFT gaming posts, but in Spanish.
I don't know. I think we are too fractured. Perhaps I view the whole issue wrong.
I think that it is ok to have niches.
I like how made an alt and it's already stronger than my account after 1 day hah.
blame the sellers I guess, not that I've been buying that much anyway