Goodbye Terracore HUB, Welcome

in terracore2 years ago (edited)

This post is just a reminder in case you missed the official announcement published yesterday.

Terracore HUB is now fully rebranded as the main Terracore game frontend with all the benefits highlighted in the official post linked above.
You can check it out at the official domain:

The UX is mostly the same, but you may notice a couple upgrades:

  • a brand new homepage that hopefully will make it easier for new players to understand the game possibilities.
  • the background music was ported from the previous game interface and integrated in to the website

Going forward all the new updates will be published by the official @terracore account, so be sure to follow if you play the game.

Thanks to everyone for all the support, feedback and suggestions that helped me refine and improve the UX in the past months 🙏

That's all for now, see you next time 👋


Great now i can enjoy the easy interface and the awesome music, littrely used to open the main terracore as a tab sometimes for the music lol, but always used your hub to play

Thank you again for everything you did with Terracore Hub.
Very excited to see your collaboration with @crypt0gnome.

pretty dope the UX is good stuff

Excelente amigo muy bien 👍

goodbye loggin in from phone 😆

Mobile works just fine with the new frontend! :)

yeah, I need to check the don't promp again, else it won't let me enter

This new UI is good and works smooth in mobile browser