Entrada al concurso observa, piensa y escribe. La torta bicolor/Entry to the observe, think and write contest. The bicolor cake.(Esp/Eng)

in Top Family2 months ago


Saludos amigos.🙋☀

Recientemente ingresé en esta comunidad y me han encantado los sentimientos que transmiten a travez de sus publicaciones. Hoy, quiero interactuar con ustedes mediante la participación al concurso observa, piensa y escribe , cuya imagen me remontó a mi infancia donde pasteles, golosinas, panetelas me seducían con sólo el sentir de su aroma.

La torta bicolor


Cada semana, Mary, la pequeña de siete años y su hermano Rafe, esperan con ancias la llegada del fin de semana.
-Rafe, mañana es el día, por fin comeremos la torta con merengue de mamá.
-Que rico Mary, ya me la estoy imaginando, con su delicioso merengue azul.
-Azul, no , le diré a mamá que lo haga rosa.
Pasaron las horas y los pequeños llenados de bocanadas de ilusiones fueron a dormir.
Sueño que fue interrumpido por el delicioso aroma dulce proveniente de la cocina.
-¡La torta!. Exclamaron a coro, mientras el choque de sus miradas relucientes delataban el conteo del:¡ En sus marcas, listos, fuera!, hacia la cocina.
-¿Por qué ese apuro, mis pequeños?. ¡Siempre están compitiendo!.
-¡Mamá, hoy le gané la carrera a Rafe!.
-¡Mary, les he dicho que no corran en la casa, se pueden caer!.
Y lamento informarles, que su levantamiento temprano hoy, fue en vano mis hijos, porque no habrá torta, esta es para obsequiarsela a su primita Carla, que mañana es su cumpleaños.
-¿Pero mamá esta tiene merengue azul y rosa?.¡Hazle otra!.
Exclamaba Rafe mientras estiraba la punta del dedo hacia el merengue.
-No hay tiempo amores , después les hago la de ustedes.
Cabisbajos , enojados, culpando a su prima Carla, subieron los pequeños, quiénes se imaginaba estar degustando su torta sabatina.
-Viste Rafe y por primera vez tiene dos colores la torta.
-No es justo Mary , debe saber riquisima, y todo por Carla, que ni sus juguetes comparte. Tengo un plan.¡ Sígueme!.

Por primera vez Mary y Rafe, no bajaron corriendo las escaleras, sus pasos escurridizos y silenciosos los llevaron nuevamente a la cocina donde se encontraba reluciendo la enorme torta en el centro de la mesa.
-Pues el plan Mary,es el siguiente: cómo la torta es grande y con mucho merengue, con un poquito que tomemos no se darán cuenta, así que tu prueba el rosa y yo el azul.
-Los ojitos de Mary destellaban de emoción
mientras asintiendo con la cabeza comenzaba a degustar junto a su hermano de una enorme rosa dulce.
-¡Que rico! exclamaban, mientras saboreaban y despojaban a la torta completamente del merengue, sin percatarse que su madre los observaba detrás de la puerta.
-¡Buenas mis pequeños!, ¿que hacen aquí tan silenciosos?.
-Nada mamá, que vinimos a tomar agua , y nos quedamos aqui observando la torta sin merengue, parece que los ratones se lo comieron. Replicaba Rafe con sus enormes y protuberantes ojos espantandos.
-¡Cierto mamá!, los horribles ratones se lo comieron,decía Mary con sus cachetes enrojecidos.
-¡Pues cayeron en mi trampa los ratones!, porque esa torta envenenada, era para ellos, miren la de su prima aquí.
Decía la madre reflejando una sonrisa en el rostro, mientras abriendo el frío dejaba ver una enorme torta amarilla.
Inmediatamente Rafe y Mary se miraron y estallaron en lágrimas.
-¡No queremos morir, mamá , fuimos nosotros quiénes la comimos!.
-¡Ustedes no fueron, fueron los ratones!.
-¡Si, sí fuimos nosotros, créenos. Exclamaban una y otra vez aumentando su llanto.
-¡Les creo mis pequeños ratones!. ¿Se asustaron cierto?. Esa torta era para ustedes mis pequeños. Pero como lección siempre recuerden: ¡Nunca decir mentiras!.

¡Qué recuerdos más bellos amigos! , aún sonrió cuando veo algún pastel o torta cumpleañera. La complicidad junto a mi hermano para degustarla, y la enseñanza de mi madre, son momentos que he revivido con tan sólo una imagen.
Les deseo una excelente y bendecida semana a todos .Será un gusto continuar interactuando con ustedes y participando en sus iniciativas.🙋🌈

Escritos propios.


Greetings friends.🙋☀

I recently joined this community and I have loved the feelings they convey through their publications. Today, I want to interact with you by participating in the observe, think and write contest, the image of which took me back to my childhood where cakes, sweets, pastries seduced me with just the feeling of their aroma.

The bicolor cake


Every week, Mary, the seven-year-old girl, and her brother Rafe, wait with elders for the weekend to arrive.
-Rafe, tomorrow is the day, we will finally have Mom's meringue cake.
-How delicious Mary, I'm already imagining her, with her delicious blue meringue.
-Blue, no, I'll tell Mom to make it pink.
The hours passed and the little ones filled with puffs of illusions went to sleep.
Dream that was interrupted by the delicious sweet aroma coming from the kitchen.
-The cake!. They exclaimed in chorus, while the clash of their gleaming glances betrayed the count of the: On your marks, ready, out!, towards the kitchen.
-Why the rush, my little ones?. They are always competing!.
-Mom, I won the race for Rafe today!.
-Mary, I've told them not to run in the house, they might fall!.
And I am sorry to inform you, that your early rising today, was in vain my children, because there will be no cake, this is to give it to your little cousin Carla, who tomorrow is her birthday.
-But does this mom have blue and pink meringue?.Make him another one!.
Rafe exclaimed as he stretched the tip of his finger towards the meringue.
-There is no time loves, then I'll do yours.
Head down, angry, blaming their cousin Carla, the little ones came up, who imagined themselves tasting their Saturday cake.
-You saw Rafe and for the first time the cake has two colors.
-It's not fair Mary, she must know so much, and all because of Carla, who doesn't even share her toys. I have a plan. Follow me!.

For the first time Mary and Rafe did not run down the stairs, their elusive and silent steps took them back to the kitchen where the huge cake was shining in the center of the table.
-Well, the plan, Mary, is the following: how the cake is big and with a lot of meringue, with a little bit that we take they won't notice, so you try the pink and I the blue.
-Mary's little eyes were flashing with excitement
while nodding his head he began to taste with his brother a huge sweet rose.
-How delicious! they were exclaiming, while they were tasting and stripping the cake completely of the meringue, without noticing that their mother was watching them behind the door.
-Hello my little ones! what are they doing here so quiet?.
-Nothing Mom, we came to drink water, and we stayed here watching the cake without meringue, it seems that the mice ate it. Rafe replied with his huge and protruding frightening eyes.
-That's right, Mom!, the horrible mice ate him, Mary was saying with her flushed cheeks.
-Well, the mice fell into my trap!, because that poisoned cake, it was for them, look at your cousin's here.
The mother said reflecting a smile on her face, while opening the cold she showed a huge yellow cake.
Immediately Rafe and Mary looked at each other and burst into tears.
-We don't want to die, Mom, it was us who ate it!.
-It wasn't you, it was the mice!.
-Yes, it was us, believe us. They cried out again and again, increasing their crying.
-I believe them my little mice!. They got scared, didn't they?. That cake was for you my little ones. But as a lesson always remember: Never tell lies!.

What beautiful memories friends! , still smiling when I see some birthday cake or cake. The complicity with my brother to taste it and the teaching of my mother, are moments that I have relived with just an image.
I wish you all an excellent and blessed week.It will be a pleasure to continue interacting with you and participating in your initiatives.🙋🌈

Own writings.