Realmente, hay accidentes que son hechos fortuitos y hay otros que no lo son tanto sino consecuencia de imprudencias. En estos días me contaba una amiga algo... no se como calificarlo...¿Pavoroso? Siendo ella jovencita se fue con otra amiga quien recièn habìa aprendido a conducir, a tomar...celebrando no se què... lo cierto es que ambas tomaron màs de lo debido y subieron al auto para regresar. Allì venìan dando tumbos por la carretera cuando de pronto se encontraron frente a uno de esos puentes que acá en Venezuela llamamos "puentes de guerra"·.
Metàlico y no recto sino que tiene como una subidita luego va recto y despuès le sigue una bajada. Llegan al puente y la amiga frena y le dice que ella no se sentìa capaz de cruzar ese puente a lo que la otra le contestó que cerrara los ojos y que ella tambièn cerrarìa los suyos y que arrancara derechito, que asì sì pasarìa-
Asì lo hicieron y cuando calcularon que ya habìan pasado el puente ambas abrieron los ojos y siguieron camino a casa. Sòlo despuèsm al salir del estado de embriaguez se asustaron pensando en lo que podrìa haber ocurrido.
Si hubiera pasado algo malo no hubiera sido accidente sino consecuencia.
Gracias por compartir, éxito en el concurso. Feliz Navidad.
Actually, there are accidents that are fortuitous events and there are others that are not so much as a consequence of recklessness. These days a friend was telling me something... I don't know how to describe it... Terrifying? When she was young, she went with another friend who had just learned to drive, to drink... celebrating I don't know what... the truth is that they both drank more than they should and got into the car to return. There they were stumbling along the road when suddenly they found themselves in front of one of those bridges that here in Venezuela we call "war bridges."
Metallic and not straight but rather it has a little rise then goes straight and then a descent follows. They reach the bridge and the friend stops and tells her that she did not feel capable of crossing that bridge, to which the other replied that she should close her eyes and that she would also close hers and that she should go straight, that it would pass.
So they did and when they calculated that they had already crossed the bridge, they both opened their eyes and continued on their way home. Only later, when they came out of their drunken state, did they get scared thinking about what could have happened.
If something bad had happened it would not have been an accident but a consequence.
Thanks for sharing, success in the contest. Merry christmas.
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