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Greetings to all in this community, after a long time without being able to publish I decide to return to this community, the same thanks to your contest,
allows me to take some time and address my memories, my pride has always been the family from which I descend, all humble women in the vast majority,
I keep these photos that has 100 years, are my great-great-grandparents.
They have passed from generation to generation, for the simple fact that they always said if you do not know where you come from you do not know where you are going, but there is always a small detail that today in my search for the post I remembered.
This great man, my great-grandmother whom I knew, said, he was always a pimp, he had several women of life, I did not understand its meaning, woman of life, because he really told me we all have life, of course with time I understood the concept, but I did not understand how he could express himself like that, because it was my great-grandfather.
Today, lookin
g at the photo and remembering the stories about what life was like for a woman married to such a man, I thank him for the insistence of all of them on how important it was to study to BE independent, especially economically.
Fighting for our rights, a fight that I think we women still have a lot of ground to gain, but, nevertheless, her experiences and wisdom, plus my personal growth allow me to say thank you for being a reference for me to be the woman I am today but above all that I try to make my daughter be, because there are still some stigmas in ourselves that we undervalue.
imagenes propias trabajasdas en canva
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Mi querida amiga @zorili91, menos mal que la sociedad ha cambiado. Estas son las historias que hacen que debemos conocer para hacernos cada día mas fuertes. besis
@zorili91 Hola, bellisimo, me encantò .. un fuerte abrazo
Gracias por dedicar su tiempo a leerlo
@zorili91 Es un placer
Gracias amiga zori por estas historias reales de esa época, hacen falta más cambios para bien todavía. Un abrazo 🤗