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RE: A look at Vitamin A

I can see that alot of packaging is done for products over there, that might actually add to the prices of goods. And this is a whole lot research you have embarked on, picking the vitamins one after the other to determine that amount of money needed to get an adequate amount of vitamins the body need.

In the end when you are trying to prepare a cheap meal with all these essential nutrients, these little amount of money from different vitamins and other source of food may add up to make the food more expensive rather than been cheap.


Any food is more than just one nutrient, well, with the exception of highly processed stuff like white sugar. My end goal is to put a value on every part of the food. Every carb, protein, fat, vitamin and mineral has value. With a value for each part of the food its possible to look at food and see if it is truly worth the price or not. However, looking at the overall value of each food is something for much further along, I still have a lot of vitamins to go through first.

But as a quick example: I just looked at spinach and for Vitamin A alone it is much more expensive than carrots (unless its on sale like I got yesterday). However, spinach also has Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B9, and Vitamin E. Once I factor in the value of those vitamins as well perhaps Spinach comes out as a much more economical food.

Right now I just don't know. My guess is most people don't know. People just eat what the know and eat when they are hungry without thinking of where they get the most nutrition for the lowest price.

When food was cheaper or when money is plentiful that's a fine way to look at things. However, when I hear about people going hungry due to rising food costs (in both Nigeria and Canada) it makes me think that perhaps there should be a more focused way of looking at how to feed people without having them go broke.

I doubt my posts here will ever get a following. I doubt that anyone will even care to make changes to how they eat. However, I personally want to know more about how to get the most from my money and my food. Someday I may be funding an orphanage, or food kitchen, or dinners for seniors.....or even just be broke enough I need to find ways to feed myself. I'd rather research now while I can rather than wish I could do the research when I can't.

Just so you know why I'm doing what I am :)

Thanks for the feedback

Always appreciated....and it really does mean a lot that even one other person is watching :D