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RE: This weeks post topic for the #Frugal community: Electricity!

in Earn, Spend, Give2 years ago

I enjoy the constant supply but with it comes complacency and taking it for granted. It's at the point where employers are expected to close shop and send their employees home with pay if there is a power outage more than 2hrs. I'm assuming that rule wouldn't apply in Nigeria.

You may find this interesting. Our local hospital has 3 different electrical feeds coming through 3 different transformers. All 3 would have to fail for the hospital to be without power. If that happens it has a backup generator to make sure no outage for important equipment.

The sad part is that if power does go out most people have no idea what to do.


You're right, it'll be like the world is coming to an end if such ever happens. It's good to know such mechanisms are in place