Delightful open spaces to enjoy the seaside towns, photo of the walk down through Pandanus Palms recognized with similar species we have, vervet monkeys love the fruit!
Many more excellent captures found throughout, no wonder you warned me up front this is a difficult task 😄
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Thank you @joanstewart I believe they are called sea pineapples and according to @dodovietnam when they are more red in color even humans eat them he has eaten them and said they are quite tasty I must try one myself 😊
I know you can handle this task I have confidents in you 👍
Yeah try it @kohsamui99. I tried it last month and I'm still alive here 😁. By the way, the dog is so cute, he seems to love swimming.
Thank for giving me the confidence and courage if your still alive then I must try one 😆 That dog was having the time of his life 👍