Looking Around The World.

We live in such cruel world where people act just how they want and believing that there is no one anywhere who can put them on check.
Let’s imagine for five minutes that there are no laws in the world, I’m sure that things would have gone more worse than this.

Just yesterday while I was going to work, I saw over a hundred people who gathered around something but entering gatherings like that pisses me off until I got to work and realized that was the talk of the town. I was calm enough to ask my colleagues what was happening because I passed by and didn’t ask anyone about what happened.

Sadly, it was said that a dead baby was dumped at the front of a very popular school here. My body began to shiver because I never thought of such in my entire life. I ran back to the front of the school which already got crowded and I confirmed it. That’s so irritating to the ears but it actually happened and I’m for real.
Looking at that child, we could tell that the baby is just a month or few months old.
Who could have dumped such child and even left him dead?
That’s one of the crazy news that we hear on a daily basis and it’s not looking at all like the earth or kind of world I wished for.

Sometimes, while listening to the radio in the morning, we may hear that a young lady had just abandoned her child and dropped him or her on the road. That’s bad. Why give birth to a child when you know that you are not ready to mother or father such child? The world is difficult already but we should not make it difficult for young kids who are coming to the world to live their lives. Those kids are as innocent as ever and they do not deserve to suffer.

I feel the world has gotten so bad that kids suffer as well which is not good. Just like Michael Jackson says; No one deserves to suffer especially our children and anytime I want to listen to music about the earth, I go for him because he’s someone who wants the best for the earth and if he had the power, he will surely make the earth a better place before his demise.

After talking about the child, I looked around me, observed the actions of people and they all were nothing to write home about. Cruelty has taken over humanity and we have less people who are more of humans. It’s really unfair and if keep going this way, the world will continue to get more affected and more nuclear weapons will be produced and there will be more wars and so many people may lose their lives so it is a loss on the earth.

I wish so many people could just get back to their senses and act normally. That’s what we need right now. So many people are mentally stressed and the least we can do to help them is being kind.


It's heartbreaking when people do that. It makes me wonder if they can ever sleep after what they do. Sometimes, I ask questions like, "Why don't they give their baby to other people instead of leaving her/him to die?" Then again, I don't know their circumstances...