Music isn’t just what we vibe to. It has something to do with our bodies and health as well. Music is therapeutic but I guess a lot of people do not know about this and that is why they keep saying music is trash especially the lyrical part of it but I disagree.
To prove that music has a way of helping and boosting our health, let’s talk about what early morning music does.
Before I go on, this is not me trying to persuade you all to listen to music early in the morning but have it in mind that it is beneficial to you.
Here are a few things that early morning music does to us:
Mood Improvement
As humans, we are bound to experience mood swings. Many times, I will wake up in the morning and start to feel restless. Many times, you won’t even know what to do.
In the presence of that, you should listen to music. Maybe when you start to listen to music, you’ll be able to figure out what you want to do for the day.
Let’s take a music break.
Reduction of stress
People actually wake up stressed. I know they might have been sleeping but it’s normal to wake up stressed and this time, you have to listen to a kind of song that will make you feel relaxed.
You don’t even have to be stressed throughout the night before you listen to a song that will reduce stress.
I’m actually not talking about falling in love but listening to this song, it sounds cool and you will surely feel relaxed when you listen to it. That way, your stressed will be reduced.
Motivation to the listener
I’ll give you a scenario. Imagine that you wake up feeling restless and you are lazy to work for the day or do the usual tasks that you should do.
You can listen to music and it will motivate you to do what you’re supposed to do.
This is why we sometimes see some people who say that they can never work well and fast without listening to music.
This is one of the songs I love most. I won’t even give you the kind of song you should listen to. Just make sure that you listen to a kind of song that you like and can sing along to. Instead of thinking about the stress you’re going through, you’ll just keep singing along and that makes the work faster.
Sparks up your creativity for the day
You’ll surely be creative after listening to music early in the morning. That’s because you have done one of the best things and also the best way to start your day.
My neighbor play this particular song every morning. I don’t know what the song does to him but after listening to him play it everyday, it’s now part of my everyday life and it makes me feel good throughout the day. It boosts my creativity as well.
Thanks for reading and I hope you now know the benefit of early morning music.
It's amazing that the magic music has on us. Music has always been known to be therapeutic, at least, in my music world.
Having songs to listen to when we wake up is very interesting. The right vibe needed to step into a new day.
We can never underestimate the power of early morning music