It must have been love

in Q Inspired-by-Music28 days ago

In this world today there is nothing we can do outside of love that will help change someone's life for the better. That the world is progressing today and things are getting better is because someone or a group of people started working towards solving a problem. These problems are mostly things which may cause long delays or injuries or even death. I know that the people in the 1600's may not have thought it would be possible for anything like a jumbo jet to exist but today it does. Today we have planes that can carry armored tanks and other military equipment that weigh up to tonnes and transport them from one place to another.

Tonight as I'm lying down on my bed and listening to this song, I can't help but think of the sacrifices that I've made, all the compliments given and every good word spoken, indeed it's very rare to do these without love. Love is patience, love is kind. There are many more things we can achieve when we love. Many think of love as having sex, No. Love can be more of giving, the expression of love can trigger many positive vibes in our different communities. Just as we all know that smile is contagious. Same way it takes one who loves or the one whom love is shown to to smile and if on a day like valentine’s day people can practice coming together to give one another even the most tiny gifts, there will be more happy people in our homes and streets.

The lesson of love I learnt recently was from a little baby who is yet to start talking what people hear. She just started walking around 3 months ago. Now she has started calling different people by her own way.
Funny enough, her older brother who should be around 3 years ago this year, what she calls her brother is “Babaa! “. I think that's her own way of calling her brother and in most cases she alway finds a way or two to be close to everyone.
Music is life and it has always been that without good music a meeting that could have turned out so good and enjoyable will be so boring. The fact that we love what is good is just so natural because that's how we're created to be.

There are many who felt unloved and some who have decided they will give up on love because love didn't favor them. On many occasions I've heard people say that they will stop rendering help to people because each time they render help to people, the ones they help never come back to thank them. My own contribution each time I hear something like this is to encourage the ones feeling down casted and making them know that their reward may not necessarily come from the hands of them they've rendered help to due to the love they had for humanity but their reward can come from other people or even in so many other ways they can even think of which will still make them reflect back to the good things they've done for people in time past and say really, it must have been because of the love I've shown to other people that attracted me this blessings and favor.

Thank you very much for stopping by to read my post, see you on the next one.


Love has not favoured a lot of us, especially me but we keep giving love many chances to get things right 😎

When you try multiple times and still get the same result, i think its wise to examine yourself and know what exactly the problem is. Also i consider praying very important because entering any relationship because God reveals the future before the beginning. This is what i've that helped me.

Yeah, we are all encouraged to seek God to know whether it's the right place or not

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